Chapter 83 - A Mothers Love

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***HUGE TRIGGER WARNING*** (please refer to note at end of this chapter for details. I didn't want to give away the chapter. Scroll to end and read if you have any triggers please)

Alexa's POV:

I didn't fight it when Crim appeared knowing there was somewhere else I had to be. Was there a way to save Max? I wouldn't put it past my best friend. To my surprise we weren't standing in the middle of a battle field but inside Alessia's office. The vampire standing watch at the door just about jumped out of his pale skin before bowing low and excusing himself. If this pure breed vampire had a heart, I was sure it would have been racing. You'd think he would get used to their King and Queens sudden appearances by now.

Distracted by the guard, I hadn't notice Alessia step towards her hidden wall until it had begun moving. Most would assume it was a bookshelf, but Alessia went one further and placed the entire wall length window as a secret entrance. Despite the coven being underground she bewitched a few windows to have incredible false scenery's. Some looked out upon endless waterfalls as high as the eye could see, some the crashing waves of the ocean, snow capped mountains, and endless streams. The pictures would by sunny during the day and full of starry sky's and a large bright moon at night. She insisted it was best not to confuse her people. She placed a spell on them to sound believable, crashing waves and nature's rare birds chirping, travelled lightly through the walls that only obeyed Crim, herself and Sadie. Anyone would honestly think the scenery was within reach. The windows imitated sunshine without its burning effects. You'd be surprised by how many waisted days in front of the breathtaking views.

Stepping forward I find myself surrounded by a large laboratory. "Ella would loose her mind if she ever saw this.." I whisper impressed by her collection. The dark room was illuminated by its thousands of potions. The potions and elixirs were the rooms only source of light. Even the black shelves they rested on seemed almost invisible when contrasting with the bright blues, greens, and sunset oranges. The pastel colour vials and bottles also had no problems attracting the eyes, the same way something which would shine under black light.

To my surprise everything was organised by colour, displaying many shades of the rainbow. It was truly a sight to see, however impractical. I couldn't imagine how long it would take to find a potion I needed.

"Alessia beautiful as this room is, wouldnt sorting them in alphabetical order or by their use be easier?"

Alessia's lip tugged up in a quick amused smirk, though she didn't waste time with responding. She approached the centre of the room, her attention falling on a silver circular disk the size of a dinner plate. It was the only thing surrounded by darkness that sparkled like a thousand diamonds. Brighter than any potion and the only item on its own.

Her light whisper was all I heard before the potion she wanted to obtain, magically appeared in the centre of it. Latin. I recognised the language though couldn't pick up her exact words. Alessias fingers wrapped delicately around the inky unamusing bottle. Other than notice it's rough textured appearence, I didn't get to further examin it before dissapearing in a ball of smoke. 
I blinked sharply at the onslaught of colours as the fading suns rays blinded me. My eyes had adjusted to Alessias dark mistery room, so it took a second for the white and orange to calm, allowing me to focus on the two figures before me. 
Although I could only see the backs of them, I was sure one was Salvator judging by the strap of potions that circled his muscular chest and back, and by his build, even if he lacked his usual red leather outfit. That meant the other silver haired man had to be Coal. The two of them were always together. Inseparable. As they fell to the floor, their knees soaking in the ruby moisture, my heart sunk.

"A life..." Salvatore's words were spoken with so much disbelief and pain it threatened to choak me. 
"For a life." Coal finished making my eyes rise to the person they were focused on.

I watched in horror as my baby girl collapsed onto a body, her delicate exhausted voice, nothing but a whisper carried by the quiet breeze. 
"Goodbye Max."

Cold encased my limbs as my precious girls heart gave out. The warmth in my heart where her bond lived, was torn from me visiously leaving nothing but a falling wound that would never be filled again. It left me breathless and hollow. Black spots flash, my vision blurring the same second Salvator hit the floor. I didn't have time to think about him, he was not my concern right now. I hadn't known how, but my wobbly legs moved on their own, shakingly carring me me to my little girl. Zander was unmoving, his pain from our broken bond no doubt leaving him shocked and breathless. I could not let this shock stop me. Nothing would stop me from what I had to do. 
Max took a sharp breath opening his eyes. C
onfusion then dread and horror crossing his featurs. "No.. No no no!" He growled out sitting up swiftly from his position. He cradled Jaycee's limp form, her head lulling to the side, His hands gripped her shoulders shaking her, as if that would get a reaction. Denial. I knew the fealing, Zanders dental was hitting me hard though my own refusal to let this happen was stronger.

As Alessia caught up I turned sharply in her direction. Of course she saw this coming. No doubt every one of her visions lead to this. The same outcome in every vision, because I know everytime I would make this decision in a heartbeat. She knew what I needed in that moment and wasted no time raising the inky bottle towards my trembling hands.
I carefully unscrewed the cap. Zanders head flicked to me his eyes widening further than they already had. His pain turned into understanding as he gripped hold of my hand in a supportive gesture before giving a sharp nod. He knew what I was going to do and yet I felt the sliver of relief coming from him. 
I would give my life for hers using the same potion Alessia one used to save me and Jaycee all those years ago, back when I was pregnant with her. Zander would soon follow, but at least our baby will be safe. She will become Aloha and lead our pack the way it was meant to be. 

Tipping a few drops of the thick bitter liquid we both fall to her side and take her from Max who had been silently crying. I gave him a reassuring smile before kissing my lithe girl. Zander hugged us both focussing on Jaycee's heart. 



Nothing was happening. Why was nothing happening?

I look for Alessia, a single tear streaming down her face. why was she crying? 

"No.. it has to work." Zander stuttered also looking at my best friend, panic building in both our chests. I couldn't tell if it was his, or mine of both, but it didn't matter as a sharp pain tore through my stomach.

My eyes widened as my hand fell to my babies. To the two heartbeats that had been draining me of my magic for weeks. I gasped trying to breath through the shock and pain. How could I. This can't be. I would have sacrificed the four of us. In my shock I had forgotten about the lives relying on me.

Alessia let out a painful sob, her strong demeanor crumbling for the first time in years, at seeing my broken and guilty expression.

"You know how it works. There needs to be balance. If you die, your babies will die. Three lives are more than one."

"What.. what does this mean? What is happening." It was Max who spoke up as Zander and I sat in silence. 

Alessia looked to me, a lump forming in her throat as she croaked out, unable to speak.

After a few seconds I turned to Max, struggling to find my voice or the words to describe what I had done. 

I felt the warm gush of blood run down my thighs followed by contractions. The physical pain was nothing compared to the guilt eating me up from within. 

Max and the others smelt it, there attention drawn to my clothing. My hand flew to my stomach as I cryed. "It.. it means I killed one of my babies to save another. It should have been me." I sobbed, Zander squeezing me tightly, his guilt hit me as strong as mine. 

"They can't survive if you die." Max whispers, finally catching on. "Balance. It's always about balance. A life for a life."

As Jaycee's heart began to beat, one of her siblings was born. Her baby sister, so small, so fragile, so innocent and young. A piece of Zander and I taken away too soon, because of me. Something I would carry with me for the rest of my life. I felt her magic before it drained from her tiny warm body. Light exploded from her only to land on Jaycee and be absorbed.

***A/N: TRIGGER WARNING: Miscarriage. If this is a trigger for you please don't read this chapter. Next chapter will summarise) 

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