Chapter 110 - Temporary

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Jaycees POV:

I  ignore Chris's words choosing to continue addressing the crowd.

"Chris for example, was a young boy starting school. He wanted nothing more than to make friends and hide his insecurities." 

"How dare you!" Chris seethes but I ignore it.

"When he looked at me on that first day. The first thing I felt from him was jealousy. At first I was confused." I side step Chris's fist. He falls to the ground clutching his ribs and I walk towards the other side of the crowd.

"All he saw was a girl who had two parents. Strong parents who loved and cared for their child. It took me a few years to understand that it pained him to see such a thing when it was something he couldn't have."

"Stop!" Chris yells. I give him a sad smile. 

"I saw his fear of me once he realised I could read his every emotion, and Chris wasn't the only one. If he simply took the time to sit with me and let it all out, even as a child I would have been there. I would have gladly listened to each and everyone of you. I would have empathised-"

Chris scoffs angrily. "Empathy. How could you possibly know what it feels like to loose a parent? Both of yours are here and are practically immortal. You've grown up with a silver spoon and never had to worry about who was taking you to school or if you had to walk, who was cooking dinner or if anyone would even be home to great you when you return. My mother was always working. Always leaving the house empty when I came home, leaving me to my own thoughts!" He yells out.   Chris's mum lets out a sob. One that we all catch but don't look her way not wanting to embarrass her.

After a brief pause I capture everyone's attention. "I think it's time I tell you all something about me, that you don't already know. You were all unaware of my healing abilities until today, they only recently appeared once my wolf did, on my eighteenth birthday. You have however,  known about my ability to read emotion. What I kept secret all these years, is that I don't only read your emotions... with a single look into your eyes-"

"Jaycee!" Zander interrupts, a look of wordy crossing his face.

Jaycee smiles. "Dad if I am to lead this pack, I can't expect them to trust me, and be vulnerable around me, if I too conceal the truth. They need to see my weaknesses as much as my strengths, only then will we have a chance at being a true pack. Without unity we are nothing."

I step forward continuing where I left off. Curiosity in everyone's eyes, even Chris's though his was no doubt for selfish reasons. My eyes land on a woman. "You have an old break in you left wrist, but try to mask the jarring pain, especially on cold days."

The woman gasps as I go to the next person. "William, Your right hip sends shooting pain up your spine when you stand in one position for too long. You are one of my father's patrol warriors so I would assume it happened during a rogue attack?" 

"No Luna.. I mean Alpha, I fell off a ladder."

"No William. I say smiling. Luna sounds so much better than Alpha. I am not psychic, I can't predict the cause but what I can't do is feel every bit of pain you feel. I don't just read emotions like a reading a book."

Chris scoffs. "Yeah right. If you could feel everyone's pain why did mine not slow you down?"

To my surprise Viren steps forward. "You can't fathom the pain Jaycee has endured over the years. Your pain is but a drop in the ocean compared to what she has had to suffer. What most of these ladies we rescued have had to endure. How can your rage blind you so much!" Viren growls out taking a deep breath to calm down. A warmth fills me and the bond vibrates happily at my mates words. Openly defending me before my pack.

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