Blue's POV:
"Ugh.. now why did you have to go and scare him off?" A rough but feminine voice whispered.
I visibly jumped at the strange voice. I frantically looked around in my dark cell, confirming my thoughts. No one else was here. My heart hammered in my chest unable to comprehend who or what had spoken.
My hairs stood on end and my senses on high alert. Though dark, my eyes had no issues seeing the blankets, bucket, cell doors and bars surrounding me. Outside of my cell was a small pathway, the walls the same shade as the hard stone floor. The exact wall Viren had thrown the witch onto.
The only sound around me, is the dripping of water from an old leaky pipe that echoed in the cold dark room, and my rapidly beating heart. "Who.. who are you, and where are you?" I cringed at the shakiness in my voice, no doubt alerting the stranger to my quivering state.
"You are not quite ready for the who, but right now I am in you mind. You will one day be able to see me, but for now I am still gaining my strength.
My eyes widened with shock. "Great.. they took my memories, only to add a voice in my head. I am literally loosing my mind." I grumbled to myself.
The voice scoffed in my head. "I have been here all along, just locked away gathering all my strength until now. I'm sure things will make sense once we get our memories back."
"Wait.. do you remember things that I have forgotten by any chance?"
"No." The voice sighed. "Its more like I know things you don't know, out of instinct. For example, no one needs to re teach us how to walk, speak or that you need food to survive. I too know things different to you because although we share the same body right now, we still have separate minds, different needs and instincts."
"Hmm" I hummed to myself in understanding. "I guess that makes some sense, though I think I should keep this to myself. I'm sure it isn't considered normal to talk to voices in your head."
"I know for a fact we are not the only ones, though I agree, it's best to keep it to ourselves for now. Safer that way."
"Do you have a name? If you have a different mind and different instincts it makes sense to have your own right?" I asked. A part of me wondering if I should be giving in and entertaining the voice in my head.
"Yes I do, it's Frost. What's yours?"
"Frost.. that's nice. I know I do, but I can't remember it right now." I said bringing my fingers to my temples as the start of a headache began forming.
"What ever you're doing, stop it that hurts." Complained Frost weakly.
"I was only trying to remember." I replied.
"I need more time to rest before we try that again." Frost said with a yawn followed by a hollowing feel in my mind. She just disappeared. Its was weird, I didn't feel her presence earlier but now that she left, I feel... alone.
"Blue, glad to see you awake." Came a gruff voice outside of my cell. I looked over to see a large man. He was bulky without having much muscle. You could tell this man enjoyed food and alcohol more than he should with the beer belly he wore proudly. He had washed out red orange hair, brown eyes and freckles along his cheeks.
As I looked into his eyes I felt his emotions. I don't know how to describe it, but it was as if they became mine, just dull and small in comparison. He was both angry at me, yet relieved I was awake from what I could pick up."Thanks." I said quietly. He frowned. Did I say something wrong?
"I know you lost your memory, so I'll let this slide for now, but it seems you need a refresher course." He said unlocking my cell and opening the door. He gestured for me to exit.

The Alpha's Saviour
Loup-garouThis is Book 2 of the 'Destined Luna Series' (You can read as a stand alone. However it will be more enjoyable after reading: Book 1 - The Rainbow Wolf And Her Alpha.) I am Jaycee Black, future Alpha of the Moonlight pack, and a hybrid thanks to my...