Chapter 112 - Layla and Coal

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Layla's POV:

There were no words to describe the ever changing emotions, swelling like a deep fast current in the ocean on my heart. Rising and falling only to trust and turn over itself again and again. 
My brain was screaming at me to wake up. Telling me I was in some kind of weird dream, while my heart knew what my eyes saw, and something about it felt so.. right. 

It was like a piece of a puzzle I hadn't even realised I was missing, finally clicked into place. My mate.. is a dragon. A creature unlike anything this world has seen before.

Magnificent, breathtaking in all the right ways. His silhouette seemed almost black as the moonlight hid behind his massive form, sending glowing silver beams around him. Occasionally as he turned in the air, wings spread only to wrap around him in a cacoon, I would be able to glimpse a shine of green. The colour hypnotic and surreal.

He roared in excitement making even the air around me feel charged. The feeling of finally being set free, too much for him to grasp.

My mate soared through the sky, the sight too unique to pull my eyes away. Too unbelievably perfect, that not even my best dreams could compete with the sigh before me. 

Never in a million years would I have expected this was even possible, but as my mate descended I watched unblinkingly as his form shrunk until he was nothing larger than a small car, allowing his beast to land on what was left of the small cliff before us. 

My feet move forward on their own before my mind could command them to move. I stop a step away from  this beautiful creature, suddenly nervous and unsure of myself. 

"No wonder he was so cocky and confident he would win our fight." My wolf Jade laughs in our mind. "He could squash us like a twig beneath his foot."

A sad sound emerges from Coals dragon as if he could tell where our thoughts strayed, his nose nudging our body gently in a way to show us he meant no harm. 
"Protect.. mate."

His husky deep Dragon's voice filters though our mind making us gasp before a large smile stretches along our face.

"How did you do that?" I ask out loud bewildered by the idea of communicating this way before mating.

"Its been so long since I've been able to communicate with anyone. I believe the goddesses above have blessed us with this knowing we cannot mate."

My eyes widen and I shake my head in both confusion and horror. 

"What do you mean we can't mate?" I squeak out not realising I had said it out loud. Too startled by the information. 

Coals beast lets out the closest thing to a whimper before his bones begin reforming. I turn away but not before catching a glimpse of my mates incredibly sculpted body. I feel the blush tingle upon my cheeks as my mates fingers gently caress the flesh. 

A possessive growl emerges from Jade before  we turn to see the other girls already facing the other way, sending guilt flooding me for my assumption. "Sorry" I mumble.

Viren to my relief passes Coal a spare pair of shorts. I wasn't sure when he picked them up but was glad for it all the same.

"There is a lot we need to discuss, and not a lot of time. You deserve to know everything before committing yourself to me. It is why I could not go further with you in the forest. No matter how much my beast and I want you, we could never take your choice away.

"There is no choice Coal. My wolf and I accept you. All of you."

Coal shakes his head taking a seat as we all follow and take a seat in a circle. "I am not from this world. Mine is damaged, almost beyond repair. Where I come from, humans are rare, vampires and wolves are common but the strongest creatures of all, are almost extinct."

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