Blue's POV:I groaned as pain ricocheted through my body and mind, though it was barely audible. I felt like someone had a way at my head with and axe, and my arm felt... broken.
"Shh Jaycee, it's okay. I'm here." A sweet voice lulled my thoughts as a gentle hand stroked my short hair. As hard as I tried, my eyelids wouldn't open, my body wouldn't move and a chill settled deep within my bones.
"She's never been out this long." Another voice spoke a little further away from the first woman who stroked my hair.
"Stop touching her!" A older woman spat, halting the other ladies movements. I instantly felt cold at the absence of her reassuring touch.
"Well you did say you gave her a little more juice, since you had leftover.." A mans voice spoke amusingly. My thoughts and consciousness faded as their voices sounded further away, echoing through a dark tunnel that had no end. It felt like I was suspended in air. Surrounded by a thick darkness, a nothingness. There was no breeze, no aroma, no feeling other than numb. Exactly how it feels to have pins and needles after sleeping on an arm for too long.
The strange sensations were minimal yet frustrating and uncomfortable.
...I woke up to sounds still unable to move my body. "It's been three days!" An angry man bellowed. His commanding voice sent dreadful shivers down my body. "Viren is due back tomorrow, and will have many questions if we can't wake her by then."
"Yeah, and the others can't cook as good as this one." Another man whined. I need a proper meal." He said as his stomach grumbled.
"Not everything is about your stomach Stuart, but I have to agree with you. I've never seen the maids eat so much with the amount of over salted food there was yesterday."
"Ugh, please don't remind me Alpha, I spent the better part of an hour scrubbing away the taste."
I almost managed a slight tug of my lips at their bickering. Something about there words gave me pleasure. Something about there discomfort brought me joy.
I also thought I heard a quiet snicker coming from someone beside me. "Happy birthday Jay." Her delicate voice sounded to my left, so quiet I almost mist it. Her hands held a damp warm cloth as she glided it across my forehead and along my neck. Just when it would get cold and before I could quietly complain to myself, she would stick it back into hot water and brush the warmth over me once more. This was such a foreign feeling, yet so familiar. Next were my arms and then my legs.
"Excuse me.." the girl beside me timidly spoke. "I need more hot water."
A man scoffed. Even your shower water is cold, you're lucky I brought you the first bucket you asked for."
"Yes.. we'll her body had become unbearably cold, besides it's not like she is conscious enough to actually enjoy it." The familiar sounding girl spoke respectfully but I could just make out a hint of anger buried far beneath the surface as she spoke. "My apologies I was simply trying to help her wake up and recover sooner."
I head a sigh. A headache began forming the more I tried to concentrate on her words. It wasn't long until time had past. I went in and out of consciousness, time felt warped and unpredictable.
"I told you to take 'better' care of your maids, and I come back not even a week later to see one unconscious and out cold for days!" A mans voice roared angrily before someone began to scream out in pain. A loud hissing sound filled the air along with the smell of burning flesh. "I'll deal with you later Jeff! Everyone out so I can fix the mess you all have made."

The Alpha's Saviour
WerewolfThis is Book 2 of the 'Destined Luna Series' (You can read as a stand alone. However it will be more enjoyable after reading: Book 1 - The Rainbow Wolf And Her Alpha.) I am Jaycee Black, future Alpha of the Moonlight pack, and a hybrid thanks to my...