Chapter 2

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Chapter 2 Overbearing CEO Pretty Assistant

The system saw that he didn't speak for a long time, but his face seemed to have no pain, so he asked, "Host

, are you feeling better ?" On the book that came out, when I heard the words of the system, I answered casually, and went in drunk again. Seeing this, the system silently closed its mouth, and decided not to disturb the host any more, and quietly acted as a background board.

Lu Xiaogong quickly digested the content in his mind, this is a very flirty urban romance novel.

The heroine Zhong Xiaoran is a girl with confused personality and reckless behavior. She has caused many troubles since she was a child. Fortunately, there has always been a gentle and considerate bamboo horse behind her, who has followed her since she was a child, and took the trouble to clean up all the mess she made for her.

If nothing changes, these two people will get along like this, maybe they will become lovers, maybe they will step into the palace of marriage, and become the closest people ever since.

But things changed after Zhong Xiaoran graduated from university, and the lives of the few people went in another direction from then on.

After graduating from university, Zhong Xiaoran successfully entered a large company in this city. This company is huge and powerful, Zhong Xiaoran shouldn't be able to get in with his abilities.

But she has a bamboo horse who is an executive in the company. With the help of the bamboo horse Zhou Jingyi, she successfully entered the company that she should not have been able to enter, and became Zhou Jingyi's secretary.

The plot line starts from here. Zhong Xiaoran repeatedly caused troubles in the company, which caused dissatisfaction among many people, but because of Zhou Jingyi's protection, no matter how dissatisfied others were with her, there was nothing they could do about her.

It wasn't until Zhou Jingyi went on a business trip that he couldn't bring Zhong Xiaoran with him.

After Zhou Jingyi was on a business trip, other female employees who had long been dissatisfied with Zhong Xiaoran tried to trip her up one after another, deliberately pretending to accidentally wet the documents on her desktop, and leaning against her as she walked, pretending to be unintentional. There are so many trivial things like knocking off the things in her hands, how could Zhong Xiaoran, who has never been wronged and has been protected by someone, be the opponent of these veterans in the workplace? Being bullied to the point of being powerless to fight back.

She was wronged, and she didn't understand why a colleague who seemed to be okay with her would treat her like this after the bamboo horse left?

Zhong Xiaoran didn't know how many people she had offended unintentionally, and she didn't even know that her bamboo horse Zhou Jingyi was more popular with women in this company.

Zhou Jingyi is good-looking and has a gentle temper. He is a well-known golden bachelor in the company. Countless unmarried female employees want to marry him.

Such a person usually has the same attitude towards everyone. Although not cold, but also to maintain a certain distance. But after Zhong Xiaoran appeared, his attitude changed a hundred and eighty degrees.

Anyone with eyes can see the difference between Zhou Jingyi and Zhong Xiaoran. Those women who have long admired Zhou Jingyi have long been unbalanced.

From their point of view, why should Zhong Xiaoran, a woman who is useless and careless in her work, be favored by Zhou Jingyi? Zhou Jingyi usually protected her, and they were also afraid that they would offend Zhou Jingyi, their boss, by targeting Zhong Xiaoran, so they endured this man wandering in front of them all the time, and even greeted her with smiles.

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