Chapter 27

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Chapter 27

At this time, the Li family.

Li Yueru didn't go home immediately after leaving Bai's. She was so angry with Bai Wanming that she had to find a place to vent her anger.

By the time she recovered, it was getting late.

When Li Yueru returned home, there were only Li's mother and her younger brother Li Hongkuang at home.

One of them is watching TV and the other is playing on the phone.

When Li's mother saw her, she complained, "Why did you come back so late?"

Li Yueru felt sore in her heart, but smiled slightly on her face. In this life, her mother is still a noble lady, and she is well maintained, unlike her previous life. Same, very old.

This time, she must take good care of her family.

She acted coquettishly to Mother Li, no matter what emotions she was feeling, she always behaved normally in front of her family. "Mom, I went to play with my little sister today. If I don't pay attention, the time will be a bit late. I must pay attention next time." "I knew to

run out when I just returned to China, and I didn't know to stay with the old man at home. Have you eaten yet? I didn't ask Aunt Wang to make it for you."

Li Yueru refused, "Mom, no need, I ate outside." "

That's fine," Mother Li picked up the remote control and turned off the TV, "I'll go to have a beauty sleep first. "

Okay, mom, you can go."

After Li's mother left, the smile on Li Yueru's face immediately disappeared.

She walked up to Li Hongkuang who was seriously playing with his mobile phone, and grabbed his ear.

The sudden pain made Li Hongkuang couldn't help howling, "Sister, it hurts, let go!" "

Stop talking nonsense," Li Yueru let go, "Did you get me what I asked you to do?"

"Of course it's done! Sis, when have I not done what you asked me to do for you?"

Li Hongkuang smiled flatteringly at Li Yueru, took out a pack of pills from his trouser pocket and handed it to Li Yueru.

"Sister, I got this with great difficulty. I found several friends. As long as I use one piece, even a saint can't hold it."

He showed a hey smile, looking very wretched.

Although he didn't know why his sister wanted this thing, Li Hongkuang didn't ask.

These mental things are not suitable for him, he is suitable for eating, drinking, whoring, gambling and playing with women.

His elder brother will inherit the company, so there is nothing wrong with him. He just needs to spend the money and be his playboy at ease.

In fact, Li Hongkuang looks pretty good, but with his colorful rooster head that looks like a killer, a row of skull earrings on his ears, and loose ripped jeans, a jacket that can't cover much meat makes him The whole person looks sloppy.

Li Yueru took what was in Li Hongkuang's hands, and looked at it carefully, "Is this thing really as useful as you said?

" Get up, "I've tried it all, if it doesn't work, will I give it to you?"

"Ding dong!"

Li Hongkuang was about to say something, but the phone rang suddenly interrupted him, he turned on the phone and saw it immediately. Standing up excitedly, "Sister, I won't tell you anymore. My buddy said that some hot girls came to the nightclub on the east side of the city. I'll leave first, and I'll be robbed by someone else when I'm late!" "Hey

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