Chapter 117

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Chapter 117 After sleeping with the future emperor

"The host, we are finally back!"

The system was so excited that it flew around the system space, thinking that it and the host would always be trapped in that world and could not get out.

Until they died, they didn't expect that they would be pulled back as soon as the host left the body.

Lu Xiaogong, who returned to the system space, was a little dazed. He never thought that he would be so unlucky, the chance of a plane crash is so small, and he happened to meet him.

Thinking of those relatives and friends who knew what happened to him would be sad because of this, Lu Xiaogong felt very blocked.

I don't know how sad the cheap parents are, I hope Henry Zhang will take good care of them in the future.

Lu Xiaogong sighed.

There is also Mu Mingjiang, who promised to give him an answer when he returned to China, but he lost his promise in the end.

I don't know how sad that little guy will be.

As for Xie Mingrui, the personality that has been occupying his body should have disappeared, otherwise he would not have taken the initiative to go abroad to find him.

"System, stop flying."

Lu Xiaogong reached out and grabbed the egg that was flying around, and put him in front of his eyes.

"What's the matter, the host"

was suddenly caught by a big hand, and the system didn't know why.

Lu Xiaogong wanted to say something, but in the end he just sighed, "Let's settle the task first." "

Okay, host."

A familiar light screen appeared in front of Lu Xiaogong.

Tasker: Lu Xiaogong

Task Type: Raider

Appearance: 91

Temperament: 88

Force: 80

Ability: 85

The task is completed as follows:

Successfully conquered the male protagonist Xie Mingrui, reward points 3500 Main missions

Successfully conquered the male protagonist Mu Mingjiang, reward points 3500 Main mission

research anticancer drugs for the benefit of mankind, reward points 1000

Total reward points for missions: 13449

The host has the following skills:

Infinite Strength Passive skills , the emergency can be triggered.

Wind Kick is a passive skill that can be triggered in an emergency.

Charm, middle-level

, business management, middle-level

fighting, middle-

level martial arts, middle-level poisoning, low-level medical

skills, high-level memory, high-level, and high-level Other places Lu Xiaogong didn't pay much attention, and his attention was all on the extra main task. "System, what's going on here?" Lu Xiaogong pointed there, "Why are Xie Mingrui and Mu Mingjiang both male protagonists?" The system took a closer look , and it was true. It shook its head, and answered honestly, "Host, I don't know either, maybe it's a world of pure love, and it's divided among the main characters." Lu Xiaogong didn't believe his evil, "The last world was also a world of pure love, but it didn't let me Go and attack the protagonist Shou." "Then I don't know what's going on." The system scratched its egg head, full of doubts. "Forget it, don't mention this." Looking at those two familiar names, Lu Xiaogong felt a little uneasy. The death in the last world was so unexpected that he was caught off guard. "Can you send me the plot of the last world?" he asked. "Host, wait."

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