Chapter 56

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Chapter 56

After a tiring journey, Lu Xiaogong sent Lin Yijing back to Lixiangyuan where Shu Yufu was at the first time he returned to Wuying Villa, and he went to Qingfeng Pavilion to meet the original owner's parents.

Seeing him coming, Lin Jiantong simply said, "Are you back?"

Sikong Yueqin sat aside, staring intently at the teacup in her hand, without saying a word.

Lu Xiaogong had long been used to Sikong Yueqin's indifferent attitude, after all, this was not the first time, so he didn't take it seriously.

If the original parents are willing to get along well with him, he will treat them as his own parents, just like Lu's father and mother in the previous world.

If he doesn't want to, he won't force it, after all, some things cannot be forced.

Like fate.

"Father, mother. I'm back."

Lu Xiaogong cupped his hands and bowed his head in response.

Seeing this, Lin Jiantong, who was sitting at the top, showed a little confusion in his eyes, "I'm tired from the long journey, so go back and rest." "Yes,

that son is retiring first."

After Lu Xiaogong left, Lin Jiantong looked Reluctantly said to his wife, "You say you, what's the point?


"Didn't I just say it casually? Why are you so angry?"

Sikong Yueqin snorted coldly, "I just don't like him, and I don't know where he came from. It's obviously not my face, He still dangles in front of me with my Yan'er's body from time to time."

Hearing this, Lin Jiantong felt distressed, with a little sadness in his eyes.

"Madam." He held Sikong Yueqin's hand, "This is Yan'er's own choice. As his parents, we should respect his choice."

Seeing his appearance, Sikong Yueqin suddenly sighed, with a slumped face, "If I didn't respect Yan'er's choice, his life wouldn't be so good. Yan'er gave up her life just to help us. How can I have the heart to destroy all the people in the villa who are avoiding that certain death? I'm just sad, my Yan'er, at such a young age..."

Sikong Yueqin sobbed as she spoke, tears dripping down her cheeks. That beautiful face slid down.

The corners of Lin Jiantong's eyes were red, he stood up, walked to Sikong Yueqin, and hugged his wife wordlessly.

After a long time, he comforted, "Didn't Yan'er say it himself? The mighty person who occupied his body promised him that in his next life he will be born in a wealthy family, and his life will be safe and smooth. Even if We can't continue to be our children, and we should be satisfied with it. Besides, didn't Yan'er make such a choice for us, for Yue'er? If he doesn't make such a choice, what will happen next? In two years, our Wuying Villa will be gone, and we will disappear from this world. At that time, not only Yan'er will die, but Yue'er and us will also die. Yan'er sacrificed him for our family of three in exchange for a chance of survival. We can't let him down."

"I know what you said, but I just can't get over the hurdle in my heart. Seeing that person who uses Yan'er's body to move, but is not Yan'er, I feel uncomfortable." Sikong

Yueqin With a choked voice, Lin Jiantong couldn't help sighing.

"Actually, madam, think about it from another angle. We can still see Yan'er's body, and we can still see Yan'er's appearance alive. It's better than never being able to see Yan'er and just miss it." "You're right." Sikong

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