Chapter 127

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Chapter 127 After sleeping with the future emperor

"This is your medicine, three doses a day, one in the morning, one in the middle of the night, and one in the evening. After taking it, your grandson's strange disease will be cured."

Lu Xiaogong smiled, looked at the old man in front of him, and handed over a stack of medicine. An old hand took the medicine tremblingly, and quickly thanked him, "Thank you little doctor ,

thank you little doctor, may I ask you little doctor, how much is this medicine?"

Holding the few pieces of silver in the purse, rubbing them repeatedly.

I don't know if there is enough information on him, and if not, what should I do?

Lu Xiaogong glanced at him and smiled slightly, as if he saw through his embarrassment, "Thank you for a tael of silver."

Hearing this, the old man was relieved at first, but then he couldn't believe it.

"Little genius doctor, do you really only need one tael of silver?"

Obviously other doctors said that to cure his grandson's strange disease, he would need at least twenty taels of silver, and it may not be cured well. One or two?

"Really, only one tael of silver."

Lu Xiaogong repeated it tirelessly, with a smile still on his face.

Hearing his words, the old man was ecstatic. The always sad face suddenly smiled, and carefully took out a piece of broken silver from the purse, and put it in Lu Xiaogong's hand.

"Thank you, little genius doctor, you are truly a bodhisattva."

After finishing speaking, he quickly dragged his grandson and disappeared into the medical clinic, as if he was afraid that the little genius doctor would change his words.

Seeing the two grandparents leaving in a hurry, Lu Xiaogong felt a little funny.

"Host, you prodigal son, one tael is not enough for one-tenth of the cost!"

The system flew around beside him with a very serious expression.

This is a medicine grown in the Lingquan space. It has its own spiritual energy. Not to mention its powerful effect, it can also nourish the body.

The host only took one tael of silver, what a prodigal! What a prodigal!

Lu Xiaogong looked at him with a funny face, shook his head, and explained, "Look at the clothes of those two people just now, they look like poor people. It's not easy to see a doctor. Why don't you charge less? Anyway, I don't lack that. Yinzi, just do a good deed that day."

"Really?" The system looked puzzled, it didn't notice these details just now.

Before Lu Xiaogong could answer, a woman in her thirties or forties walked into the clinic with a complicated expression on her face, hesitating to speak.

It turned out to be Aunt Zhou, a neighbor who lived not far from them.

"Aunt Zhou, what's the matter? Is there something uncomfortable?" Lu Xiaogong asked friendly with the mentality of coming to the door as a customer.

Hearing his question, Aunt Zhou quickly shook her head and explained her reason for coming.

"Little genius doctor, my aunt's brother-in-law has a niece who has not left the court. She is eighteen years old and is a good hand at work. Her family background is fairly well-off and she looks good. Are you interested in taking a look?" Oh

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