Chapter 101

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Chapter 101 The hero and I are enemies

Su Hongye's house was not far from Xiao's house, and it took only about ten minutes to walk, but this time she came here by running, and it only took six or seven minutes.

More than ten years later, the little girl with two braids and a princess dress has long since grown into a slim girl. She has inherited her parents' good looks and good figure, plus her family background, she is white, rich and beautiful. It can be predicted that after going to university, she will definitely become a goddess-level figure chased by boys on campus.

She was dressed very casually, just like Xie Mingrui, wearing a white T-shirt, black pants, and the same brand of sneakers on her feet.

It looks like a couple outfit?

Lu Xiaogong sized him up a few times, then took another look at his clothes, and decided to change into something similar to theirs.

"Wait a minute, I'm going to change clothes."

Lu Xiaogong threw his backpack on the sofa and went upstairs with a thud. The three people downstairs looked at each other.

"I came here in a hurry, but he hasn't changed yet? If I had known, I would have left slowly."

Su Hongye sat down on the sofa, muttering dissatisfied.

"Maybe it's because we are all wearing white, and I think it's too strange for me to wear black. We were all going to go out before, but you called suddenly, which delayed the delay." In fact, Xie Mingrui felt that Xiao Gong

wore The black one looks good, and the slim fit makes him look white, but he also looks good in white.

Su Hongye raised her brows, "Are you blaming me?"

"That's right, can't you just play with your mud at home alone? You have to come out and get involved."

Xie Mingrui responded bluntly . , this girl likes to rob people from him, it's too much.

"You are too unreasonable, obviously you are the one who robbed me, Xiao Gong and I were childhood sweethearts."

Su Hongye put her hands on her hips.

"Then we are still bamboo horses."

Xie Mingrui retorted.

"Can it be the same? We knew each other earlier than you!"

"Why is it different? Didn't Xiao Gong and I grow up together? We were born on the same day. You have to be destined."

Henry Zhang looked at these two people who were fiercely spitting, swallowed, and took a step back quietly, why did he feel a little scary?

Fortunately, Lu Xiaogong went downstairs quickly, and the two stopped talking immediately.

Lu Xiaogong pretended he didn't hear what the two of them had to say, and he was used to the fact that the two of them were always jealous when they got together since childhood.

"Let's go, let's go!"

Several people rushed out the door, and an hour later, Uncle Zhao parked the car at the gate of the largest playground in the city, and reminded, "Eldest young master, young master, young master Xie, Miss Hongye , the playground is here."

Several people who were drowsy because of the car were suddenly shocked, "Go, get off."

After several people got out of the car, Uncle Zhao said, "Master, when will you finish playing?" Remember to call me and I'll pick you up again, I'm leaving first."

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