Chapter 53

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Chapter 53

After fleeing, he fled into the backyard of Cyan Frost Castle.

Like a headless fly, An Yi ran around carrying people on his back until he was stopped by a woman, "My lady wants to see you." An Yi ignored him at first, and

directly killed the maid, but was stopped by Su Mingyi, who was half asleep and half awake. Hearing this sentence, he ordered hoarsely, "Follow her."

An Yi withdrew his hand and silently followed behind the maidservant.

Hiding all the way, the few of them soon arrived at their destination.

The maid walked to a room, knocked lightly on the door, and said in a low voice, "Miss, someone brought it here."

With a "squeak", the door was opened the next moment, and several people stepped in.

The person called Miss by the maid was a rather delicate looking woman with a slight sadness on her face.

An Yi just glanced at it, then looked away.

He was used to seeing such top-notch beauties as the leader, the poisonous lady, and the man who was often peeped by the leader, but the beauty of this so-called young lady of Cyan Frost Castle really didn't catch his eyes.

Li Qiubai looked at the person on Anyi's back, with sadness in his eyes, thinking that she, Li Qiubai, was also a famous pungent heroine in the world, but she met such an enemy.

It has become the appearance that he once looked down upon.

"Put him down, you guys go out first."

An An didn't move, he didn't dare to leave the leader just like that, this person, after all, was also the young lady of Cyan Frost Castle, the daughter of the leader's enemy.

"Don't worry, I won't do anything to him, I just help him heal."

Seeing that he was still motionless, Li Qiubai had no choice but to compromise, "Then you put him down, you don't have to go out."

Darkly looked at her , After thinking for a while, he put the leader behind him on the collapsed bed, and stepped aside to guard.

"Ahem." Su Mingyi spat out a mouthful of blood, which turned black immediately after spraying on the ground.

Fortunately, after vomiting out a mouthful of blood, Su Mingyi also woke up immediately, he sat up from the collapsed bed, and practiced cross-legged exercises to heal his injuries.

After running the internal force of the whole body for several weeks, he felt that his condition was better.

As soon as he opened his eyes, he saw two people looking at him eagerly in front of him. An Yi spoke first, "Master, are you better?" "

Yes. An Yi, you go out first."

Li Qiubai kept talking Squeezing his fingers, seeing him hesitant to speak, Su Mingyi ordered.

"Yes, young master."

An Yi retreated quickly, but did not go far. If the leader is in any danger, he can rescue him immediately.

After An Yi left, Su Mingyi looked at the woman he had been attracted to before, and the woman who gave him a heavy blow again, and remained silent.

Back then, he really regarded her as the only light in his life, but all of this was false.

She was the daughter of his enemy, and she came to him for another purpose, and she shattered her trust in everyone.

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