Chapter 74

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Chapter 74

On the first morning, before dawn, Lu Xiaogong got up. He did not forget that today he was going to town with Uncle Shen.

When he stepped out of the hall and bedroom, he happened to meet Wei Siming, who looked a little depressed, and Lu Xiaogong said hello, "Er Donkey, good morning." Who knows that the first moment

Wei Siming heard his words was not He greeted him back, but his eyes wandered for a while, looking a little guilty.

What's going on here? Did something happen without him knowing? Lu Xiaogong felt strange.

"Er Donkey, what's wrong with you today? Why do you look weird?"

"It's nothing, benefactor, it's getting late, let's wash up and go." Wei Siming hurriedly avoided Lu Xiaogong's sight, He took a large basin of cold water from the kitchen water tank and poured a few handfuls directly on his face, only to calm down a little.

Lu Xiaogong didn't know when he came to his side, watching his movements, he couldn't stop feeling strange in his heart.

He had never seen the second donkey like this.

"Is it ready to wash?"

Lu Xiaogong suddenly said, scaring Wei Siming.

With a "clang clang", the copper basin suddenly fell to the ground, making a loud noise.

The water in the basin spilled out and splashed on the feet of the two of them.

Wei Siming hurried to pick it up, but Lu Xiaogong frowned and grabbed him.

"Er Donkey, what's the matter with you today?"

Wei Siming's eyes wandered, but he didn't dare to look at his face.

At the same time, he was secretly crying in his heart.

Sure enough, people can't do bad things, and once they do bad things, accidents are easy to happen.

After Wei Siming returned to his bedroom last night, he tossed and turned for a while before falling into a deep sleep.

After falling asleep, his benefactor appeared in his dream with a smile on his face. In his dream, after seeing his benefactor, he suddenly went berserk, pressed the benefactor under his body, and forced him to enter himself.

In the dream, he wanted, immortal, wanted, and died, but his benefactor was forced to shed helpless tears.

After waking up in the morning, Wei Siming found that something was wrong with him, it was wet.

He secretly destroyed his clothes and wiped out all traces of his body, but he didn't expect to see his benefactor as soon as he stepped out of the room, and the benefactor even took the initiative to say hello to him.

As soon as Wei Siming saw Lu Xiaogong's face, he remembered how he forced his benefactor in his dream, the benefactor's tears were so beautiful.

But... But both of them are men, and it is impossible for a benefactor to like a man.

Why is he not a brother? In this way, he can be with his benefactor openly and aboveboard.

Wei Siming was unhappy.

Lu Xiaogong looked at the person caught in his own thoughts, and helplessly supported his head.

Sure enough, I picked up a fool.

In the plot, although the protagonist Gong has amnesia, he is not stupid. How did he change when he came to him?

Lu Xiaogong was so tired, he didn't bother to pay attention to what happened to the second donkey.

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