Chapter 3

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Chapter 3 Overbearing President Pretty Assistant

"What's the problem?"

The system has limited emotions, and cannot understand why the host is irritable, let alone why the host calls the male protagonist a pig's hoof.

It scanned the plot over and over several times, but it didn't find that the male lead looked like a pig's hoof? Obviously, the male protagonist's own conditions all meet the requirements of the host.

Tall, with long legs and narrow waist, eight-pack abs, no matter how you look at it, it can't match the pig's trotters, right?

I don't know if there is something wrong with the host's eyes, the system sighed in his heart.

How can a good person be regarded as a pig's trotter?

Sighing is sighing, but the system did not say this in front of the host. Although it has no feelings of its own, its IQ is higher than that of many humans, and it knows what to say and what not to say.

Lu Xiaogong didn't know what the system was thinking, and when he heard what it said, he sat back on the sofa and complained about his dissatisfaction with the male lead one by one.

"The male protagonist, a big pig's hoof, relies on himself as the president. After he fell in love with the female protagonist, he always targeted the male second Zhou Jingyi. His eyes are smaller than a needle. Forget it. After all, he is a rival in love. It is understandable. But, just for Zhong Xiaoran Such a person? What's so good about Zhong Xiaoran's little white flower? From time to time, he is clumsy and messes up things, and he doesn't know how to act according to people's faces. In addition to dragging people down, he is dragging people down. Is the hero blind? To put it mildly Little White Flower, to put it bluntly, she is an idiot, wise, okay?" At this point, Lu Xiaogong twitched the corners of his mouth in disdain, he really didn't find any shining points in this heroine. I have no ability on my own, I only know how to rely on others.

She relied on Zhou Jingyi since she was a child, but after meeting the male protagonist Bai Wanming, because Bai Wanming is stronger and more reliable than Zhou Jingyi, her reliance turned into Bai Wanming.

What was Zhou Jingyi doing when she was targeted by that big trotter of Bai Wanming? What was she doing when Zhou Jingyi lost her job in order to get her back?

She didn't do anything, she couldn't do anything, she just cried when she was wronged, and relied on others to find a place for her. For such a person, no matter male or female, Lu Xiaogong couldn't think of the slightest bit of goodwill.

"The male second is so good. He is good-looking, has a good temper, and has outstanding work ability. Such a good person should be the target of my strategy. Although his eyes are a bit bad, there is a saying that is good. Who didn't How many people have you loved? What about scum?"


The system wanted to say something, but before it could open its mouth, Lu Xiaogong was crackling again, "Also, the male lead is too unmannered, for the sake of little white flower , not only dismissed the male second, but also restricted his development in this city, forcing the male second to leave his hometown, what is this kind of man not a big pig's trotter?"... The system cannot answer the question of its own


, In its view, there is nothing wrong with the hero's attack on his love rival, after all, he is a love rival.

On the contrary, it's not good for the host to be maxed out by the second male lead before he even meets the male lead.

Before the system could think about it, Lu Xiaogong's next sentence startled it.

"System, I strongly request that the target of the strategy be changed to the male lead!!! The male lead is so good, let him and the female lead love each other with that big trotter of the male lead, from now on, the male lead will be loved by me Love!"

After saying these words, Lu Xiaogong didn't know what beautiful things he thought of, and he showed a smirk, which made the system chill.

"No!" The system rejected the host's request without hesitation. If you listen carefully, you can still hear the sternness in its mechanical voice.

"I'm very sorry for the host. The target of the attack is designated and cannot be replaced. The target of your attack this time is the male protagonist Bai Wanming." "..."


Xiaogong's heart that was originally excited suddenly calmed down, and he was helpless. Sigh, yes, this system doesn't know what the hell it is, and he doesn't know what its purpose is, so how can it do what he wants? How can there be such a beautiful thing in this world? Thinking of this, he said with a lack of interest, "Okay, let's attack the male lead."

Hmph, that big pig's trotter.

Although his character is not good, judging from the description in the book, he should be good-looking, so he will just let it go.

Perhaps seeing Lu Xiaogong's negativity, the system thought about it, and comforted him, "If the host really likes the male lead, we can help him chase the female lead and give him a happy ending." Lu

Xiaogong Tilting his head and thinking about it, he felt that the system's suggestion was good, but...

he always felt that it was a bit wasteful to let someone as good as the second male lead match the little white flower of the female lead. Should he find a better partner for the second male lead? Woolen cloth?

Lu Xiaogong hadn't made a decision yet, but the system's words made his thoughts fly away.

"Host, it is said that the hero Bai Wanming is the best-looking character in this book. No matter in appearance or figure, he surpasses the second hero by a few blocks." Lu Xiaogong's spirit was shocked, and he sat up straight and asked,

" Is what you said true?"

The system looked at the host's piercing eyes staring at him, and nodded resolutely.

"Then what are you waiting for, let's attack him quickly! The system, please tell me what kind of people the hero likes, what he likes to eat, what are his usual hobbies..." "..." The system suddenly became


. The active host put a label on Lu Xiaogong in his heart.

This host is a bit lecherous!

The author has something to say:

Thanks to the little angels who voted for me as the overlord~

Thanks to the little angels who voted for [Mine]: 1 piece for 22993731, 1 piece for ms Night Never Sleeping,

thank you little angels for irrigating me with nutrient solution ~

Thanks to the little angels who irrigate the nutrient solution: 15 bottles of 22993731, 11 bottles of cherry blossoms, 10 bottles of swallows flying south, 10 bottles of reading novels without brains, 7 bottles of the Gu family girl, in a word, you lost me 7 bottles, Qi Ranれ6 bottles, 5 bottles of 037AD, 5 bottles of Ziyou, 5 bottles of never forgetting the original heart £ Qindi, 5 bottles of Mozhu Xiuran, 4 bottles of life and return, 3 bottles of fleeting years, 1 bottle of Simu, 1 bottle of 29762083, O_p 1 1 bottle, 1 bottle of Blood Moon Cultivation Fairy, 1 bottle of Gong Bao who eats cute and grows up,

thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard! ^_^

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