Chapter 68

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Chapter 68

Lu Xiaogong lived in this world until he was ninety years old, during which time the system never appeared and there was no news.

Lu Xiaogong didn't know whether the system would appear again, whether he was really dead after his death in this life, and would never regain consciousness.

He was lying on the bed, and Su Mingyi was sitting beside his bed. A man in his 90s looked the same as a man in his 60s, and his youthful splendor could still be seen in his facial features.

Lin Yijing led a group of juniors to stand not far from their bed. The 70-year-old was desperately suppressing the tears in his eyes, which were red from holding back, and he was in a panic. Originally, today was Daddy's 90th birthday, and he had been preparing for it a few months ago. He wanted to hold a grand birthday banquet for Daddy. Who would have thought that a person who was in good spirits yesterday would suddenly lose his energy today?

Lin Yijing has never been so sad in his life, even when his mother passed away.

Lu Xiaogong held Su Mingyi's hand weakly, his voice was so hoarse that he couldn't hear, "Old man, I'll take a step first, in the days without me, you have to take good care of yourself." Su Mingyi felt neither sad nor happy

, But he still showed a smile, as bright as when he was young, and he replied softly, "Okay, I will."

Hearing the satisfactory answer, Lu Xiaogong suddenly let go of his hand, slowly closed his eyes, Everyone behind us cried together.

The unconscious Lu Xiaogong suddenly left his body and flew into the air.

A familiar voice suddenly came from next to his ear, "Go back to the system space."

After he left, Su Mingyi blinked, and he suddenly clenched the hand of the person on the bed that was getting colder, and turned his head to tell Lin Yijing behind him, " Jing'er, remember to bury uncle and your father together, the road to Huangquan is too dark, without me by my side, I'm afraid your father will be afraid." "

Uncle!" Lin Yijing exclaimed, with a bad premonition in his heart, but Su Mingyi didn't Pay attention to him, tightly hold the hand that is slowly getting cold, and pass away with a smile.

The two respected elders passed away all at once, and the juniors in front of the bed cried together. Lin Yijing endured his grief and took care of the funeral for them. He obeyed Su Mingyi's words and buried the two of them together.

Lu Xiaogong couldn't see all of this. He was transported back to the system space by the system, looking at the egg with limbs in front of him, Lu Xiaogong grabbed it in his hand, full of resentment, "So you are not dead yet? I thought you were scrapped. "

"Let go! Host, let go!" The small body of the system kept struggling in Lu Xiaogong's hands, "Isn't this all the systems in the headquarters that need to be trained? I'm not the only system that leaves the host. How can you do this kind of thing? Can you blame me?"

"Training takes decades?" Lu Xiaogong looked disbelieving, "Tell me how many years you haven't shown up? It's been seventy or seventy years! I thought you were a dog, Didn't expect you don't have a dog leash yet? How about I roast you now? I'm still craving eggs."

Lu Xiaogong sneered slightly, his eyes staring straight at the egg in his hand, as if he was Consider where to start.

The system trembled from fright, just... I haven't seen him for a short time, why did the host suddenly become so scary? What had happened during the time it hadn't been with him?

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