Chapter 112

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Chapter 112 The hero and I are enemies

This preparation takes half a year.

It took a lot of time just to convince the parents.

At first Xiao Anmin and Xu Guizhi refused to agree no matter what, and they let him go abroad if he wanted to, but only after he graduated from university.

But then the two suddenly changed their minds and agreed to his going abroad, and Xu Guizhi always looked at him with complicated expressions when he was video-videoing with him, hesitating to speak.

Lu Xiaogong asked, but Xu Guizhi just hilarious every time and perfunctory, and he simply didn't ask any more times, but asked the system to check.

The result was beyond his expectation.

It turned out that they already knew that Lu Xiaogong was not their biological son. As for how this incident got out, the system couldn't figure it out.

However, the cheap parents' attitude towards him is still the same as before, and their attitude has not changed drastically because he is not their own son. Henry Zhang still regards him as his own brother.

that's enough.

Hearing that the system said that the couple was silently pursuing the whereabouts of the parent and child, Lu Xiaogong thought about it and asked it to release the clues.

Xie Mingrui is their biological son after all, after so many years of hard life, he should return to his real family.

As for his

cheap parents will always be his parents, as long as they are willing to recognize him as a son.

Lu Xiaogong returned the shares in his hand, but Xiao Anmin and Xu Guizhi refused to accept it, and told him clearly that what was given to him was his.

Lu Xiaogong was half moved and half helpless.

To say that although something went wrong in the mission of this life, he is not completely fruitless, after all, he has his parents and grandparents who love him.

Even if they are not their own, they are better than their own.

As for the relatives, Lu Xiaogong will arrange everything for them so that they can live a carefree life for the rest of their lives, no matter how much, he can't do it, let alone being selfish.

After all, I haven't gotten along much, and my feelings are limited.

In the past six months, Xie Mingrui has not contacted him, and Lu Xiaogong occasionally went to him, but the other party also avoided seeing him.

This made Lu Xiaogong understand that the person in charge of Xie Mingrui's body is probably the one who is hostile to him and does not want to see him.

Until now Lu Xiaogong still hasn't figured out what's going on with Xie Mingrui.

Let him think about it, and he doesn't know why Xie Mingrui's other personality has so much hostility towards him.

Maybe this is the disadvantage of not having a plot. God's perspective is still different from being in the game.

If he knew the reason, he could still prescribe the right medicine, instead of being like now, his eyes were dark and he didn't know anything.

It was Mu Mingjiang who first discovered the problem between them, and then Su Hongye.

Both of them talked to Xie Mingrui, and although the other party didn't avoid them, he also seemed not too close.

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