Chapter 67

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Chapter 67

Shadowless Villa.

"Come here, I'm going to see Yue'er."

An old woman with silver hair leaning on a cane shouted angrily, but no matter how much she yelled, the maid guarding her outside the door didn't seem to hear her.

Not only that, the moment she lowered her head, a sarcastic smile appeared on the corner of her mouth.

"You lowly maidservant, didn't you hear the old woman calling you?"

The moment she smiled ironically, Sikong Yueqin, who came to her side at some point, raised her crutch and pointed it at her.

This crutch stunned her, and when Sikong Yueqin wanted to hit her a second time, she quickly snatched the crutch from her hand and hit it back, "You damn old godmother, you really thought you were The majestic owner's wife in the past? Don't forget, now this villa is in charge of our master!"

Sikong Yueqin didn't expect that a lowly servant girl would dare to fight back against her. She was quite strong and caught off guard. She fell to the ground.

But after all, she has internal strength to protect her body, even if she falls, it will not be a serious problem, but old people are old after all.

Even if she has internal strength, she can't use it much, not to mention that this maid also has some fists and kicks.

After the stunned Sikong Yueqin came to her senses, she cried loudly, "You evil servant who kills thousands of swords, how dare you treat the old woman like this, how dare you beat the master back, my son, your mother's life is so miserable! I My son, come back quickly and let your mother decide!"

Seeing the old woman sitting on the ground and howling loudly, the servant girl was startled, looked around quickly, and was relieved when no one appeared.

She poked the crying man on the ground with her cane, and said sarcastically, "Old woman, your son was driven away by you twenty years ago, and he will never come back. It's useless for you to cry." "You are talking nonsense.

" You bastard is talking nonsense, my son obviously left someone to protect me and Yue'er! How could he not come back?"

"Don't dream, those people will only protect your lives. As long as your lives are safe, they won't care about the rest." The

servant girl looked at her with pity, and suddenly she didn't want to talk to this crazy woman anymore. She threw the cane at her side, turned and walked away.

Everyone in the Wuying Villa knows that there are several guards with high martial arts skills secretly guarding the villa. It is said that they were left behind by the young owner when he left twenty years ago.

But they will only show up when the owner of the villa is in danger of life, they won't take care of other things, otherwise, their son-in-law wouldn't have planned the entire Shadowless Villa so easily.

Uncle started planning for Wuying Villa a long time ago. Originally, he thought about secretly killing these Lin family members, but unexpectedly, he was interrupted by the hidden guards.

My uncle was taken aback at that time, but those people did nothing but stop him from killing the Lin family.

After a few times, my uncle had an idea in his mind.

After probing a few times, their uncle changed his strategy. He didn't hurt the lives of the Lin family, but he put them under house arrest.

Sure enough, those people didn't care about his action.

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