Chapter 120

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Chapter 120 After sleeping with the future emperor

The heroine Fan Jiyun is the prostitute of the Zhenyuanhou's mansion. The Zhenyuanhou has held military power for generations, and she has a bit of face in front of the Holy One.

Therefore, her marriage is a sweet thing in everyone's eyes. As soon as she reached the age of Ji, many people came to her door to propose marriage, including many princes and nobles.

Fan Jiyun is just like her mother, Mrs. Zhenyuanhou, with high spirits, and ordinary people can't catch their eyes.

Her mother only wanted her daughter to marry one of the princes so that she could become a queen or concubine in the future.

If you want to talk about the prince, you have to mention the status of the royal heirs.

The emperor gave birth to four

sons in total, the crown prince, Feng Yanyu, was born in the Yuan Dynasty, and his character was a bit cruel, which was disliked by the emperor, but due to the reason of the Yuan Dynasty, even if the emperor did not like him, he still did not abolish his position as the prince .

But anyone with a discerning eye knows that it is difficult for the prince to ascend to that position.

In addition, the prince has already married the concubine, and Mrs. Zhenyuan Hou does not want her daughter to be a side concubine, so she does not consider the candidate for the prince.

The second son, Fengyan Le, Prince Rui, was born by his successor. Prince Rui was known as a virtuous king, he had many supporters in the court, and he was supported by the empress in the harem, so the possibility of being on the grand ceremony was very high.

The important thing is that he hasn't married his first wife yet.

As for the third son, King An, Feng Yanming, he was born of the emperor's most beloved noble concubine. Although the noble concubine has passed away, the emperor loves King An very much. However, in the eyes of everyone in the capital, King An is a Dou who cannot be supported. He knows how to fight cocks, walk dogs, and molested good women all day long.

King An's reputation in the capital was in shambles, and when everyone mentioned it, they all shook their heads and sighed.

It's because the aristocratic ladies in the capital don't want to mention their partners. No one wants to marry such a worthless prince.

After all, such a prince is destined not to be in the Grand Ceremony.

As for the last one left, Jin Wang Feng Yanyu, her biological mother was just an ordinary court lady. After giving birth to him, she was promoted to the status of a beauty. Concubine Shu did not have a son herself, but she was very disliked by her adopted son.

Because his mother used to be a court lady who served Concubine Shu, and later climbed onto the dragon bed while she was not paying attention, which made Concubine Shu once regard King Jin as a thorn in her flesh.

However, due to the scarcity of heirs in the harem, the emperor has always cared about these few heirs. After getting rid of Feng Yanyu's biological mother, Concubine Shu dared not do anything to him, and Jin Wang was able to grow up successfully.

Although King Jin is also a prince, he has no power behind him, and he is not within the consideration of Mrs. Zhenyuanhou.

Of the four princes, three are interested in the noble daughters of the Zhenyuan Hou family, except for King An, who, in his words, married a tigress from the Zhenyuan Hou family, so it will be difficult for him to molest women from good families in the future. 镇远侯夫妻被他这浑话气了个半死,说得他们想把女儿嫁给这个纨绔子弟一样,如果不是他有个好爹,他早就被看不惯他的世家子弟揍无数次了。 The couple chose Prince Rui who had the best chance of ascending to that position, and Fan Jiyun became Princess Rui. After becoming Princess Rui, the Marquis of Zhenyuan's family worked diligently and tirelessly for the great cause of Prince Rui. The day before Prince Rui ascended the grand ceremony, and before Fan Jiyun became the empress, Prince Rui suddenly sent her a cup of poisoned wine to her yard, and told her that in fact, he had always loved her concubine sister and married her just to take advantage of her. . After being forced to drink the poisoned wine, Fan Jiyun found that she was not dead, but returned to the time when she hadn't discussed marriage yet. Lu Xiaogong wanted to complain just after watching the heroine's past life, "The only person who can make it to the grand ceremony is this IQ? The princess kills as soon as she wants, and she is not afraid of being exposed? Didn't it mean that the heroine's father has military power?" Or die of illness or something like that, when the time comes to accept Zhenyuanhou's concubine as his concubine, Zhenyuanhou won't say anything. As for Zhenyuanhou's wife, she's just a housewife, if the emperor wants to deal with her, it's not easy?"

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