Chapter 19

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Chapter 19

With the help of the servant, Lu Xiaogong spent more than half an hour to organize his things. After he was done, he sat down on the edge of the bed and took a weary breath.

Looking at the bed he was sitting on, Lu Xiaogong just wanted to lie on it and sleep till dawn.

But no, he hasn't taken a bath yet, and he has eaten.

After a busy day, Lu Xiaogong was really tired.

Not to mention that he worked all day today, but after he accidentally bumped into the male protagonist in front of the elevator in the morning, the progress of the matter has been beyond his expectations. His mood was like riding a roller coaster, one moment it went straight to the sky, and the next moment it went straight to the bottom.

This back and forth, not to mention the physical exhaustion, anyway, the heart is tired.

Fortunately, these things that happened are beneficial to him, although not all of them are beneficial, but the advantages definitely outweigh the disadvantages.

The servant who helped Lu Xiaogong tidy up the room was an aunt in her forties with a kind face. Seeing Lu Xiaogong's tired face, he said with a wink, "Sir, I have nothing to do, I will go to work first, if you need to tell me anything." Although

Lu Xiaogong wanted to stand up and see the other party off, but The body is too tired to cooperate. In the end, he could only wave his hand feebly, expressing that he didn't need anything for the time being, "Auntie, thank you , I

will tell you if I need anything."

Rest, and you can call me Mama Li from now on."

"Okay, Mama Li."

Lu Xiaogong changed his words politely.

Just as Mama Li stepped out of the guest room, Lu Xiaogong remembered something.

"Mama Li, wait!"

Lu Xiaogong suddenly said, Mama Li turned her head to look at him, her face full of doubts, "Is there anything else, sir?"

Lu Xiaogong smiled embarrassedly, and after a while, he hesitated He asked, "Mama Li, where is the president's room?"

He was afraid that his performance would be too obvious and arouse others' suspicion.

After all, when Lu Xiaogong first came to this world, he also took the opportunity to learn about this world.

Probably because this is an urban romance novel with the background of the world, the gay group is really rarely known, and the attitude of ordinary people towards this group is still mostly discriminatory.

Hearing this question, Li Ma breathed a sigh of relief and didn't think much about it. Seeing Lu Xiaogong's hesitation, she thought the young man was going to ask some confidential question, but she didn't expect it to be such a trivial matter.

"Mr. Lu, Mr.'s bedroom is next door to yours."

Hearing this news suddenly, Lu Xiaogong was startled at first, and then secretly pleased, the corners of his mouth curled up slightly, and he couldn't suppress it no matter how hard he tried.

Although I don't know why Bai Wanming arranged himself next door to him, it saved a lot of trouble for his bed climbing plan.

The corners of Lu Xiaogong's mouth became more and more curved, Li Ma felt a little weird, she looked at the young man in front of her strangely, her mouth opened and closed, she wanted to ask something, but she hesitated to speak.

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