Chapter 107

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Chapter 107 The hero and I are enemies

A few people walked outside the school gate, Henry Zhang had sharp eyes, pointed at the four of them and shouted excitedly, "Mom, brother, they are out!" Xiao Anmin and Xu

Guizhi got off the car with Henry Zhang in his arms. Among the parents, Lu Xiaogong watched them all the time, and he waved to them.

He looked at Xie Mingrui, "I'll take the two of them back first. You go home with Uncle Xie and the others first. After you rest well, we'll come out and get together again."

Lu Xiaogong raised his head to indicate a certain direction, Xie Mingrui looked Looking over there, he saw Xie Dayi and Gong Fangfang, who looked anxious, pushing towards this side.

He nodded, "Okay, call."

"Yes, call."

After Lu Xiaogong and the others left, Xie Mingrui looked at their backs for a long time before turning to join Xie Dayi and the others.

As soon as the few people met, Xie Dayi asked, "Ming Rui, how did you do in the exam?" "

It's not bad, let's go home first." "Okay

, let's go home first, Dad is driving here today, stop over there, and go for a walk ."

He suddenly grabbed Xie Mingrui's arm.

Xie Mingrui wanted to dodge subconsciously, but held back the next moment.

When everyone has just recovered from the ravages of the college entrance examination, what awaits them is all kinds of parties.

The results of the college entrance examination came out soon, and the four of them performed well, and they all reached the cut-off score for admission to University B. After filling out their volunteers, Lu Xiaogong asked the system to closely monitor Mu Mingjiang's scumbag father, but strangely, the scumbag father did not I don't plan to start with Mu Mingjiang's volunteers.

After thinking about it for a while, Lu Xiaogong quickly understood what was going on.

Probably the scumbag father was going to directly kill Mu Mingjiang's mother and son, and he felt that it didn't matter whether he did this trick or not.

However, Mu Mingjiang is probably about to attack, right? His scumbag father is probably going to be very busy soon, thinking of this, Lu Xiaogong gloated a little.

A summer vacation passed quickly, Lu Xiaogong packed his things and prepared to go to city b.

Mu Mingjiang set off half a month ago to resettle Mumu.

Xiao Anmin and Xu Guizhi arranged for Lu Xiaogong a three-bedroom, one-living room house in City B early on. The location is not very far from University B. House prices in City B are expensive, and those closer to the school are even more expensive.

Fortunately, Xiao's family was originally engaged in real estate. Although the headquarters is in city t, they also have a branch in city b.

It really doesn't take much effort to get a house with a good environment for my son.

Since the company was very busy, both of them couldn't leave, and in the end they only let their right-hand assistant follow Lu Xiaogong to city b.

Lu Xiaogong took Xie Mingrui and Su Hongye with him, and the four of them went to City B together.

And after they left T City for more than a year, T City turned upside down. First, the shares of Mu's Building Materials flowed into the stock market on a large scale, which brought a large-scale impact on Mu's stocks.

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