Chapter 129

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Chapter 129 After sleeping with the future emperor

Early this morning, Xiaotong opened the door of the clinic diligently. At this time, there were not many patients in the clinic.

Lu Xiaogong was not busy either, he was reading a book in his hand.

This is a book taken out of the space. There are so many books in the space, I don't know when he will be able to read them all.

Since he stepped into the path of cultivation, with the assistance of spatial spiritual energy, coupled with the Soul Refining Art, he has tempered his soul extremely powerfully, and his cultivation can be said to be improving rapidly.

Half a year ago, it was the Dzogchen practice in the late stage of foundation establishment.

Of course, now also.

After entering Foundation Establishment, Lu Xiaogong realized that the spiritual spring space that the pervert gave him could be upgraded.

Not to mention the doubling of the space, the broken thatched hut has become a small courtyard. Although it still looks a bit shabby, it is much better than before.

In addition to the previous books, there was another shelf of jade slips.

At first Lu Xiaogong didn't know how to use these jade slips, until the system reminded him to stick the jade slips on his forehead to try.

After he pasted the jade slip on his forehead, a lot of knowledge scrambled into his mind, and then it seemed to be rooted in his mind, and he would never forget it again.

Most of the jade slips contain formulas of various spells, which are different from small spells such as the rain cloth technique, and they are all very lethal spells.

Lu Xiaogong practiced these spells in the space whenever he was free. His spirit was powerful, and the spell damage he unleashed was quite high. Fortunately, the space was strong enough to withstand his tossing.

Lu Xiaogong didn't dare to go outside

because he didn't know what this space would be like after he advanced to a higher level. Lu Xiaogong was full of anticipation.

He began to practice desperately, hoping to break through the golden core as soon as possible and see the changes in space as soon as possible.

But it is a pity that after he cultivated to the great perfection in the late stage of foundation establishment, his cultivation was stuck, and he didn't know whether it was because the time had not come or the rules of this world did not allow golden core monks to appear, but Lu Xiaogong thought it was more likely It is the former one.

Lu Xiaogong temporarily put down his cultivation, and turned to practice the Soul Refining Art. This time the progress of the Soul Refining Art was not as slow as in the previous world, but increased rapidly.

It was so fast that even Lu Xiaogong was a little startled, there had never been such a situation before.

At this speed, he might have broken through the fifth floor before he earned enough points to exchange for the sixth floor of the Soul Refining Art.

Although the speed of Soul Refining Art is a little weird, but Lu Xiaogong should still practice it.

Lu Xiaogong found a jade slip in the pile of jade slips that taught people how to release their spiritual consciousness. He tried carefully according to the above records, and actually released his spiritual consciousness.

And the range that his consciousness can cover is not small, it can cover the entire space.

He was full of excitement.

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