Chapter 60

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Chapter 60

The morning light was faint, and wisps of golden sunlight passed through the doors and windows, and sprinkled on the two people who were sleeping hugging each other on the big bed, looking peaceful and beautiful.

Maybe it was disturbed by the sunlight, one of them frowned slightly, and opened his eyes after a long while.

Looking blankly at the bed curtain, it took a long time before he remembered what happened last night.

He turned his head to look to the other side of the bed, and a magnificent and handsome face came into view.

The owner of this face had his eyes closed at this time, his cheeks were blushing, and the corners of his mouth were slightly hooked up.

A flawless white jade hand rested on his body.

What a picture of a beauty falling asleep.

It stands to reason that Lu Xiaogong should be in a good mood when he wakes up and sees such a beautiful picture, but when he thinks about what happened last night, he will not be happy.

When he was thrown down last night, Lu Xiaogong thought that his long-cherished wish for many years could finally be fulfilled, but he didn't expect that in the end...

Although he was the one under him, he was still an attacker.

Seeing that the situation was not good, Lu Xiaogong wanted to resist, but in Su Mingyi's eyes, his act of resistance was a sign of repentance, so he suppressed him vigorously and did whatever he wanted on him.

Lu Xiaogong was not Su Mingyi's opponent when he was in Fengxin Mansion, and even more so after Su Mingyi got rid of the poison and his internal strength increased greatly.

She could only watch him do evil on her with a deadpan expression.

In the end, they were pulled together to sink into the abyss of desire.

There was a sound of ticking footsteps in the distance, and as the footsteps got closer, Lin Anna's deliberately soft voice sounded at the door, "Young Master, it's time to get up."

Lu Xiaogong, who was in deep thought, was caught This cry brought him back to his senses, and at the same time, the other person on the bed suddenly opened his eyes, and the two looked at each other.

The air froze for a few seconds, and suddenly, Su Mingyi showed him a bright smile, and kissed him on the cheek, "Morning, brother Lu."

Since he just woke up, he did a strenuous exercise last night , Su Mingyi's voice was slightly hoarse, sexy and charming.

Lu Xiaogong wiped the saliva off his face expressionlessly, got up from the bed silently, got out of bed enduring the pain in his lower back and got dressed, and didn't want to talk to him.

Su Mingyi got up, sat on the bed and watched his movements, with a smile in his eyes, "Brother Lu, are you turning your face and denying people after getting out of bed?" "

Shut up!" Lu Xiaogong was angry, he His behavior does look like a ruthless scumbag, but! Can this be his fault? He just wants to be a sufferer.

With his thin waist, hips, bright face and tender skin, how suitable is he to be a fragile little shou, to be hugged and loved by others?



There are always people who take advantage of their age and good health to compete with him for sex.

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