Chapter 97

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Chapter 97

Xie Mingrui returned home with a heavy schoolbag on his back and lay down on the sofa.

Xie Dayi looked at him, "Are you back?"

"Well, Dad, why did you get off work so early today? Where's my mother?"

He leaned on the sofa exhaustedly, maintaining a high-intensity study at school, and he was also very tired.

"I don't have to work overtime today, so I came back early. Your mother hasn't got off work yet, what do you want to eat? I'll make it for you. By the way, how is your monthly exam result this time?" Xie Dayi looked at him and sighed in his heart

, What a wonderful child, but why isn't he his own son? I don't know where his biological son is now.

But since the mysterious person said that he was doing well, he should be right.

"That's it, anyway, I won't get the first place."

Xie Mingrui curled his lips indifferently, and he didn't know why that guy was so good. Ever since he was a child, he hadn't been able to snatch the first place from him even once.

In the blink of an eye, more than ten years have passed, and Xie Mingrui has grown from a dirty three-year-old to a slender, handsome and sunny boy.

These years, his academic performance has always been among the best. He, Xiao Gong, Mu Mingjiang, and Su Hongye, from kindergarten to high school, went to the same school and were assigned to the same class.

All four of them are academic masters, but it is a pity that the first place will always be taken by Xiao Gong, and he, Mu Mingjiang, and Su Hongye compete for the second, third and fourth places.

They are a small group of top students, and they are also the pride in the eyes of the teachers.

There is a real academic bully by his side, and he is urged to study if he has nothing to do, so he can't do it if he doesn't want to!

Xie Dayi smiled, and said with a teasing smile, "Being pinned down by that classmate of yours again?" "That's

right, that guy is a pervert."

Xie Mingrui gritted his teeth.

"Speaking of which, your classmates haven't been to our house for a long time."

"Recently, I've been busy studying, and the college entrance examination is coming soon. We are all preparing to apply for B University. This time, the school finally gave us two days off. They all went home to spend time with their families." "Is that so?" Xie Dayi didn't know

why A little lost.


Xie Mingrui nodded, thinking of something, a foolish smile appeared in his eyes.

"What major are you going to study in university?"

"Computer major."

Xie Mingrui plans to start his own business in the future. Now that smart phones are popular and games are popular, this is a good opportunity.

"You can decide on your own affairs. Your mother and I will not interfere with you."

Xie Dayi poured oil into the pan and prepared to cook. Xie Mingrui stared at his back, lost in thought.

In fact, he remembers things very early and has a good memory. He can still remember things from his childhood.

Before he was three years old, he had a bad life, his parents treated him very badly, and his father called him a bastard, but after he was three years old, his father suddenly treated him better.

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