Chapter 20

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Chapter 20 Overbearing President Pretty Assistant

Early the next morning, Lu Xiaogong was woken up on time by the alarm clock.

Slowly opened his eyes, looking at the unfamiliar decoration on the ceiling, Lu Xiaogong was a little dazed.

Where is he?

After a while, Lu Xiaogong's eyes became clear, and he was completely awake.

Only then did I remember that I had moved from the original owner's small apartment to the male owner's big villa last night.

Lu Xiaogong lay on the bed for a few more minutes before getting up from the bed.

After he washed up and went downstairs, Mama Li had already prepared breakfast, and Bai Wanming was sitting at the dining table with a thin notebook in front of him.

Hearing the movement, he immediately raised his head to look towards the stairs, and said calmly, "Are you up?" "

Well, boss, you got up so early?"

Bai Wanming looked at him, "I'm used to getting up early."


Lu Xiao Gong responded casually, and the next moment, he suddenly stretched out his hand and yawned.

It doesn't matter how well Lu Xiaogong slept last night, after all, he just moved to this new environment. Although the big bed in the man's house is expensive and comfortable to sleep on, it doesn't mean he can sleep in peace.

Because of sleepiness, Lu Xiaogong couldn't help holding back a tear from his eyes, which made the corners of his eyes look a little red.

Bai Wanming, who had been paying attention to him, naturally did not miss this scene. His eyes darkened, and his Adam's apple rolled a few times involuntarily.

When Lu Xiaogong put down his hand, Bai Wanming had already returned to normal, and his eyes were on the computer in front of him again.

If it wasn't for fear of scaring the other party, he really wished he could swallow this person in front of him right now and

have to be patient!

Can't scare people.

He believes that one day. He will let this beautiful young man willingly deliver it to his door, and then eat it!

But now, what he has to do is to be patient!

Bai Wanming feels that he is a good hunter, and a good hunter needs to have enough patience when dealing with prey.

Bai Wanming's mind suddenly flashed some fragments that he had made up yesterday afternoon, and somewhere seemed to be excited.

He took a deep breath, and changed into a posture that could hide his abnormality.

"President, did you eat poached eggs and milk this morning?" Just as Bai Wanming was hiding his strangeness, Lu Xiaogong had already come to his side, looking at the breakfast on the dining table, he asked suspiciously.

Unexpectedly, Bai Wanming was startled by Lu Xiaogong's sudden voice, his body couldn't help shaking, and a trace of panic flashed in his eyes, who had always been calm and reserved.

It's just that Lu Xiaogong didn't notice, he just pulled out a chair and sat on it.

Seeing this, Bai Wanming breathed a sigh of relief. "Well, you don't like it? Then I'll ask Mama Li to change it."

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