Chapter 58

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Chapter 58

It is not safe to say that talking, it is more appropriate to say that it is abetment.

Today, after Lu Xiaogong finished his breakfast, he came directly to Lixiangyuan. This was a must for him to do in the villa. He took time every day to visit Jinger and cultivate the relationship between father and son.

Today came earlier than usual, and from afar I heard Lin Yijing talking to his mother about what he had seen and heard outside of the past month, especially emphasizing the uncle he likes very much.

He stopped the maid who was saluting to him outside the door, and was listening to the conversation between the mother and son with a smile on her face, but the more he listened, the more ugly his face became.

Shu Yufu was obviously very interested in the uncle Lin Yijing was talking about, so she mentioned this uncle intentionally or unintentionally, and asked Lin Yijing about the details of how this uncle got along with his father.

Although Lin Yijing was smarter than ordinary children, he still didn't know how to guard against people's hearts, let alone the one who asked him was his mother.

Naturally, he answered every question, if it was just these, Lu Xiaogong would not be angry.

Unexpectedly, after asking these questions, Shu Yufu directly said to Lin Yijing, "Jing'er, next time you see that uncle again, you must talk more about mother and father in front of him, you know Do you?"

"Of course I know." Lin Yijing's voice was full of pride, "I often praise my mother in front of my uncle." "

Jing'er is so good." Shu Yufu patted his head, her eyes were full of tears. Anxiety, "In the future, Jing'er should talk more about the love between your mother and your father in front of uncle. Your father loves your mother very much, and mother can't live without your father, you know?" "What does mother mean?

" Yes, Jing Er will tell Uncle more often in the future, mother loves father very much, and father loves mother very much, so our family is very happy?" Lin Yijing seemed to understand.

"Jing'er is so smart." Shu Yufu put one hand on Lin Yijing's head, but involuntarily clenched the other hand tucked into her sleeve, "Also, Jing'er said that uncle would come here to find him in the future. Are you playing with Daddy?"

"Yes, yes!" Lin Yijing was very happy when he mentioned this, after Daddy said that Uncle had gone home, he was still lost for several days, but once he heard what Daddy said Uncle Shi would come here to play with them, so he was happy, "

Daddy told me personally, Daddy won't lie." He stays alone with that uncle, you know?"

After so many years, there is no man around her husband, she thought that he was just trying to reassure her, and lied to her that she was as good as Long Yang, but she didn't expect that, just Go out and do this once, just this once...

No, she has to stop it.

It would be fine if she hadn't been tempted in the past, but now she has been tempted by her husband, and they are married couples, and the husband doesn't mind that Jing Er is not his own flesh and blood, she will never let a man penetrate them Between husband and wife, the current life is destroyed.

Shu Yufu believes that as long as there is no one else, her husband will fall in love with her sooner or later.

They can be a real couple.

"Why?" Lin Yijing looked puzzled, "Uncle is fine, why doesn't mother let uncle and dad stay together?"

Looking at her innocent and ignorant son, Shu Yufu's eyes flashed, and she made up her mind Determined, "Because that uncle came to rob your father with your mother, your father and that uncle are reconciled, and I don't want you, and I don't want your mother anymore..."

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