Chapter 11

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Chapter 11 Overbearing President Pretty Assistant

The two looked at each other for two minutes, but Zheng Wang and Secretary Wu were forgotten.

Lu Xiaogong kept looking at Bai Wanming from the corner of his eyes, most of Bai Wanming's body was blocked by the desk, except for his face.

Lu Xiaogong's eyes had no choice but to move back and forth on the opponent's face, trying to look at every corner of the opponent's face.

He didn't even see Secretary Wu winking at him all the time.

The more you look at him, the more satisfied you are. The male lead's face is really handsome with 360 degrees and no dead ends, even better than the one in the photo.

Lu Xiaogong was very satisfied with the strategy targets selected by the system for him.

"System, the strategy target you picked for me is not bad, it fits my aesthetics very well, but I don't know how the figure is?"

Lu Xiaogong said to the system in his heart while looking at Bai Wanming.

Regarding Lu Xiaogong's words, the system only responded with two words, "Ha ha." The

system has already seen through that the host it binds to is a face dog, as long as the other party has face, nothing else matters.

A pervert!

Long before the host decided to bind it, it should have seen through it, but it didn't expect to ignore it like this...

The past is unbearable, and a mistake will cause eternal hatred.

I don't know if binding such a face dog host will affect the task?

The system is very sad.

Lu Xiaogong also ignored the system's ridicule, at this time, no one can stop him from admiring the beauties.

Bai Wanming was naturally aware of his explicit gaze, but he didn't say anything, but the corners of his mouth were slightly raised, and there was a little more interest in the depths of his eyes.

This pretty boy is kind of interesting.

Not afraid of him, but dare to look at him with such eyes?

Bai Wanming has always shown people with a cold face in front of others. Just by seeing his cold face, others feel that he is very unapproachable.

In fact, it was the same, he was really difficult for people to get close to, and those who wanted to get close to him were frozen half to death by his death sight before they got within one meter of him.

As time goes by, no one is willing to try to get close to him again. I never thought that there is such a person here who is not afraid of death. He ignores his cold face and dares to sweep his face with his eyes?

This behavior can be said to be unscrupulous, right?

Bai Wanming immediately became interested.

He took the lead to look away, and looked at the other two who didn't dare to express their anger because they felt that the atmosphere was different.

"Secretary Wu, go to the Human Resources Department and bring me the resumes of the two of them. The other two will stay and give a brief self-introduction." The expressions and voice are still as magnetic as ever.

"Okay, President."

Secretary Wu seemed to be fleeing for his life, leaving the two of them behind and slipped away.

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