Chapter 89

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Chapter 89

After eating and sleeping in the hospital, Lu Xiaogong didn't know how much time had passed.

When Lu Xiaogong woke up again, he had already changed a place.

As soon as I opened my eyes, the first thing I saw was the luxuriously decorated ceiling and the expensive chandelier.

Lu Xiaogong wondered, where did he go?


Lu Xiaogong suddenly thought of a question, a newborn baby can't see things, he can not only see, but also see so clearly, what's the matter?

After thinking about it with his little head, Lu Xiaogong felt that it might have something to do with the trace of purple gas he absorbed in the womb.

He remembered that after he absorbed the purple qi, the Soul Refining Art immediately broke through the fourth layer, and his perception of the outside world improved a lot.

"Madam, the young master has woken up and is opening his eyes. He will open his eyes so early. He must be a smart child in the future."

An aunt's voice came from the side, and Lu Xiaogong subconsciously wanted to turn his head to look. But he found that his head was not working.

By the way, he is still a newborn baby, his bones are not yet strong, and it is a dream to turn his head and turn over now.

Lu Xiaogong wants to cry but has no tears. He has lived several lifetimes anyway. Who would want to start over from the infancy when he can't do anything?

"Really? Hurry up and let me have a look."

A gentle and dignified female voice came from the side, and Lu Xiaogong's heart skipped a beat. This was not the female voice he had heard for several months. Before he had time to think about it, the next second, he was picked up from the crib and sent to a woman's warm embrace.

The woman who was holding him carefully adjusted several postures before hugging him in her arms. Lu Xiaogong looked at the solemn and kind face in front of him with teary eyeballs, and was shocked in his heart.

This is not the woman he saw in the hospital that day, that is, his own mother.

Who is this person? Where is he now? What's going on here? Lu Xiaogong's heart was in a mess, and he continued to cut and reason.

Xu Guizhi looked at Lu Xiaogong who was fixedly looking at her, and smiled softly, "Mama Liu is right, my son is really smart, he knows how to open his eyes to look at mother at such a young age." "Isn't it? The young master is obedient and cute

, You are not like other children who cry and make troubles at every turn, making the family uneasy, madam, you are really lucky." Liu Ma laughed and spoke from the side.

It's fine if Mama Liu doesn't say this, but Xu Guizhi is a little worried when she mentions this. She asked worriedly, "Mama Liu, this child doesn't cry or make trouble, so there is nothing wrong with it?" "No, ma'am, don't worry Well, the doctor said that the young master is healthier than the average baby, and there are no problems. Maybe he doesn't like to cry because he is born to like to be quiet, so don't worry too much, Madam Liu . Xu Guizhi sighed, "I hope." She reached out to tease the child in her arms, touching the child's little hands and feet from time to time, just like other mothers. As soon as this woman touched Lu Xiaogong's hand, he subconsciously wanted to reach out to grab it, but his hand was too small, he could only grab one finger. Once caught, he refused to let go. In the future, I can no longer call this woman this woman, I have to call her mother. Although she is not my own mother, he is now a baby who can't do anything and has to be raised by others. Although he is not his own mother, he must treat her as his own mother. And we must find someone else's son back. Everything he owns now is not what he deserves, and should be returned to others. Lu Xiaogong warned himself in his heart. Madam Liu smiled at the interaction between the mother and child, and suddenly asked, "Madam, have you decided on the young master's name?" " I discussed it with An Min, and the name is Gong, Xiao Gong."

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