Chapter 103

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Chapter 103 The hero and I are enemies

It is impossible to hand over the shares in his hand, otherwise he will really become an abandoned child who can be discarded at any time.

Just like his mother, if he was, he would have chosen to divorce the scumbag long ago, but she didn't, she just wanted to win back the scumbag's heart by crying, making trouble and hanging herself.

Why doesn't she understand that once some people change their minds, they can't be saved. Not only can't they be saved, but they may even kill you because of their interests.

Thinking of this, Mu Mingjiang was startled. If he dies, the shares in his hands... his

parents have the right to inherit.

Mu Mingjiang suddenly felt that Alexander, although he thought that the scumbag father might not be so cruel, he was his own son after all. However, money is touching, and the shares in his hands represent more than one billion yuan, which is a huge sum of money.

Even if the scumbag father doesn't do anything, what about the illegitimate brother who is not a few years younger than him? What about the Xieyu flower he kept outside?

Mu Mingjiang felt that his life was in danger at any time.

He immediately shared his worries with the people around him, and Lu Xiaogong took a few deep glances at him.

"Before I give you advice, I would like to ask, how much have you saved in dividends over the past few years?"

Mu Mingjiang thought about it, and pointed two fingers at him.

"Twenty million?" Lu Xiaogong blurted out.

Mu Mingjiang shook his head, "It's not 20 million, it's about 200 million. This is a conservative estimate. For the specifics, you have to check to find out. Speaking of which, I have been with you all these years, studying hard every day, eating and drinking I don't choose what to wear, I really don't spend much money, I didn't even buy a good car. I realized in a blink of an eye that I'm also a billionaire."

Lu Xiaogong gave him a thumbs up, "Rich people "

"Stop pretending." Mu Mingjiang rolled his eyes at him, "Who doesn't know that your family has more money than mine? Your pocket money might even be more than mine."

"Like you, I don't care how much pocket money I have, as long as I have enough, my dad asks his assistant to send me money every month. I haven't seen the exact amount," "Host host!


System Excitedly shouted from the side, "I can check it for you!"

"No, thank you," Lu Xiaogong refused, "I can see how many there are with my mobile phone."


The system shrank back sullenly .

"By the way, the system." Lu Xiaogong suddenly remembered what it said before, "You remember to monitor Mu Mingjiang's father from time to time, and record anything that is useful, you know?" Maybe it will be useful next time


"Host, do you want to monitor it all the time? That requires a lot of energy."

The system was a little unhappy.

It hasn't saved much energy for so many years.

Hearing what it said, Lu Xiaogong suddenly changed his focus, "Then you can monitor his cell phone, and record anything useful, isn't that okay?" "Yes." Fearing that the host would change his mind, the system immediately

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