Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

The origin of the original body is not bad, he is the son of a small wealthy family. His surname is Lu, his first name is Wei, and he has the same surname as Lu Xiaogong.

Although the Lu family is not a wealthy family, the conditions are much better than ordinary families.

At least much better than Lu Xiaogong's native family.

Lu Wei's parents run a small business, and the business is still so-so. Although they are not making a lot of money every day, they are definitely more than enough to maintain the family's expenses.

All in all, there are always assets over 100 million.

However, Lu Xiaogong was not very clear about the specific situation, after all, the original body didn't care much about this aspect.

Lu Wei has a harmonious family, loving parents and brothers. There are no messy relatives in the family, and everything is harmonious.

Father Lu is not like other rich people who turn bad as soon as they get rich. Make a lot of illegitimate children and illegitimate daughters to turn the family upside down. He has always respected Lu's mother and loved Lu Wei and his two brothers very much.

Lu Wei has a brother who is three years older than him, named Lu Lin.

Lu Lin entered his family's small business early on to help his parents handle the company's affairs, and the position of the heir was assumed by the whole family to be Lu Lin's.

Lu Wei has no objection, he doesn't like business affairs.

The original owner has no objections, and Lu Xiaogong, who has traveled over and occupied other people's bodies and identities, will not have any objections.

Lu Wei is a top student. He has been abroad for several years and has just returned to China for a few days.

He is not interested in inheriting the family's small company, and even his elder brother refused to let him work in his own company. He only wants to enter the glamorous circle of the entertainment industry.

Lu Wei has a good appearance. If he goes to the entertainment circle to develop, he can be called a vase just by relying on his own appearance.

But before he had time to enter the entertainment industry, he burped because he drank a few more cups, and then he was pierced by Lu Xiaogong.

Lu Xiaogong feels lucky about this, he is not interested in entering the entertainment industry. He came to this world only to find a man, to find a high-quality little gong, to be a rice bug waiting to die, and he really has no interest in becoming a big star.

Besides, he doesn't know how to act at all.

Are you going to make him look like a log to the camera? And then being visited like a monkey? Just thinking about that scene, Lu Xiaogong couldn't help feeling a chill.

Forget it, he'd better be his commoner, after all, he was used to being a commoner in his previous life.

Even after time travel, Lu Xiaogong still couldn't change his common people's thinking.

Fortunately, the identity assigned to him by the system this time is relatively simple, and the original owner is a character who has never appeared in the plot.

Lu Xiaogong felt that he could still hold on.

For the sake of the hero's beauty, if you can't hold it, you have to hold it!

He must abduct the handsome and charming male protagonist to bed and let him be his old master!

Lu Xiaogong silently cheered himself up in his heart.

"System, when are we going to start the mission? I have both the plot and the original owner's memory in my hand, so I should be able to start capturing the mission object?"

Lu Xiaogong couldn't wait to see the hero soon, let's see Does the other party really look as good-looking as in the photo?

"The host, please don't be in a hurry. The target of the attack mission needs to be carefully planned. It may be counterproductive to contact the other party rashly. What the host needs to do now is to get familiar with the world and the original owner's behavior, so as not to be seen by the people around the original owner. Something is wrong. This world was specially selected by me for the host, it is similar to the original world of the host, please enjoy the host, if you have any questions, you can call the system." After listening to the system, Lu Xiaogong nodded

thoughtfully .

What the system said was not unreasonable, he could only suppress the urgency in his heart, listen to the system, and get acquainted with the people and things around him.

Well, and this world.

Just don't let others see that

something is wrong.

After all, it was his first time traveling, and he was not yet proficient in business.

Lu Xiaogong sighed in his heart.

He remembered his original world and those few bad friends.

Although he followed the system without hesitation at the beginning, after all, it was the world he had lived in for more than 20 years. It was impossible to forget it as soon as he said it, and it was impossible to say that he had no feelings at all.

The author has something to say: Let me be a little gentleman, this article got stuck at the beginning of the article, so I can only write slowly, everyone, don't worry, although the author is not very good, but once the article is opened, it will definitely end of.

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