Chapter 24

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Chapter 24

Knowing nothing about what happened next, Bai Wanming went downstairs quickly, thinking about his youth in his heart.

As soon as he stepped out of the company's gate, Bai Wanming saw the young man leaning against the car at a glance. He seemed to be the brightest star in the crowd. Passers-by passing by him would subconsciously turn their heads to look at him a few more times.

Even myself, as long as the other party is there, the line of sight will always be glued in the first place.

The corner of Bai Wanming's mouth hooked up, and he quickened his pace.

Lu Xiaogong, who was kicking his feet in a daze with boredom, found that a shadow was suddenly covering him in front of him. He raised his eyelids dispensably, and what caught his eyes was the male protagonist's smiling face. Looks like a good mood.

Lu Xiaogong was taken aback, for some reason, he remembered the scene where he was kissed by the other party in the office.

He subconsciously wanted to take a step back, but when he realized it, he abruptly stopped his movements.


Why is he afraid of the hero?

Didn't he come here just to attack the hero?

Isn't it just about being kissed to death by the male lead?

Wouldn't it be better if you practice more?

What are you afraid of? What's there to be afraid of?

This is too worthless!

Lu Xiaogong spurned himself in his heart.

At worst, find a chance to kiss back, so that the hero can also experience the feeling of being kissed so that he is about to pass out!


This can have!

As soon as this idea came out, Lu Xiaogong pondered silently in his heart.

How to implement it?

wall dong?

Lu Xiaogong glanced at the tall and burly male protagonist in front of him, and then at himself who was thin and weak and half a head shorter than the male protagonist.

Silently crossed out this option in my mind.

Although he had a lot of thoughts in his mind, he still pretended to have nothing to do on his face, looking like usual, and greeted the people in front with a bright smile.

"President, have you dealt with your affairs?"

Bai Wanming didn't say anything, but just stared at him for several seconds. Lu Xiaogong was so watched that he could hardly maintain the smile on his face, and he panicked even more.

wipe! The hero doesn't want to kiss him again at the entrance of the company, does he?

Lu Xiaogong glanced around and found that there were already many people staring at the door of the company with curious eyes.

Lu Xiaogong felt that he and Bai Wanming were like two handsome monkeys being surrounded by people.


Hearing the slightly puzzled voice of the young man, Bai Wanming came back to his senses. He withdrew his gaze and lowered his eyes. "It's over, let's go home first." He walked around to the passenger seat first, opened

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