Chapter 29

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Chapter 29

It can only be said that the effect of the medicine obtained by the female partner is really very good. As soon as Lu Xiaogong drank it, his heart felt dry and hot.

Before he had time to explain anything to Bai Wanming, Lu Lin squeezed in front of him.

"Xiao Wei, are you alright?"

Lu Lin was a little worried, he had noticed Lu Xiaogong's actions just now.

He felt very strange in his heart, but this occasion was not suitable for asking.

I was talking to him in the garden just now, but suddenly ran to this side in the next moment.

Until now, Lu Lin still doesn't know what happened, why Xiao Wei's expression suddenly changed.

Lu Lin was puzzled, but now is not the time to pursue this, the more important thing is that Xiao Wei is okay.

"Who are you?"

Bai Wanming, who had been ignored by Lu Lin for a long time, pulled Lu Xiaogong behind him, staring sharply at the man in front of him who looked somewhat similar to the young man, with a very unfriendly expression.

At this moment, Lu Xiaogong was still awake, so he quickly grabbed Bai Wanming and explained in a low voice, "President, that's my brother."

Hearing his explanation, Bai Wanming's cold face softened immediately, " It turned out to be brother-in-law."

"What?" Lu Lin looked puzzled, looking at Bai Wanming as if he was looking at some mental patient.

As time went by, Lu Xiaogong felt that his body was getting hotter and hotter, and Bai Wanming in front of him was exuding cold air all over his body, which made him want to desperately hug her to relieve his heat.

But the occasion was wrong at this time, Lu Xiaogong restrained his impulse with what little reason he had left.

He pulled Bai Wanming, and when the other party looked over, he said with all his strength, "Let's go home first!"

Lu Xiaogong's body began to weaken, and the strength in his body gradually disappeared, and finally he could hardly stand upright. She didn't lean on Bai Wanming's back to stabilize her figure.

His face was flushed, and his forehead was still dripping with sweat.

When Bai Wanming saw it, she already understood what was going on in her heart.

The anger in his heart rose slowly, and the breath around him dropped by more than ten degrees in an instant. The people around him suddenly felt cold, and some of them even couldn't help but get goose bumps all over their bodies.

The commotion here has long attracted the attention of the Li family. Li's father and mother are rushing here with Li Feizhou, and Li Yueru is still following behind.

"What happened? What happened?"

What happened?


Bai Wanming sneered, and he glanced at Li Yueru who was following Li Feizhou, his eyes darkened.

The other party looked directly at him frankly, and his attitude was very different from when they met yesterday.

Does this mean that he is sure that he can't do anything with her?

He wouldn't even believe that today's matter was not written by her!

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