Chapter 50

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Chapter 50

A few days later, more and more martial arts people gathered in Fengxin Mansion, and the situation became more and more chaotic.

There are always people who challenge and provoke, and many people die on the streets.

Sometimes, it was fine before going to bed at night, and when I opened the door the next morning, I found several dead bodies lying on the street.

And the people living here in Fengxin Mansion are no strangers to it, this kind of thing often happens here.

It's just that it's especially serious these days.

It's all because, in half a month, there will be the five-year martial arts conference in Jianghu, and the martial arts conference is to compete for the leader of the righteous way of Jianghu, which is what people in Jianghu call the leader.

The change of the leader of the alliance is a rare event in the Jianghu.

Whether they are ambitious, want to join in the fun, or have other purposes, no matter how far away they are, they will all come to Fengxin Mansion during this time.

Ever since the current situation became chaotic, Lu Xiaogong seldom went out with his little bun.

The main reason is that it is too dangerous. Who knows if someone will suddenly run out without looking at them and make trouble for them?

Lu Xiaogong knew his martial arts, at most he could only be regarded as a second-rate expert.

Even after he practiced the Soul Refining Art, he could learn everything quickly, and it took him five years to catch up with the mental skills that others took half a lifetime to practice.

But after all, mental skills can't keep up, and Wuying Villa, as a weapon business, really can't come up with any top skills.

If Wuying Villa has top-level skills, and Lin Chengyan is the owner of the young village, then it is impossible for Lin Jiantong and Sikong Yueqin not to let him practice.

It can only be said that the background of Wuying Villa is still a little low.

After all, there are only a few generations to make a fortune.

Top-level exercises cannot be bought with money. It can only be said that those big sects and big families that have been passed down for a long time have top-level exercises, or those with great opportunities can obtain them unintentionally.

For example, male and female protagonists.

Speaking of the male and female protagonists, the reason why Lu Xiaogong stepped out of Wuying Villa this time was because staying in Wuying Villa was too boring, and secondly

because he wanted to avoid Shu Yufu who had a crush on him.

The third is because of the hero.

The period of the lord meeting is an important climax in the plot.

During the opening of the meeting of the leader of the alliance, not long after the hero won the position of leader of the Demon Sect, and the subordinates of the Demon Sect have not completely recovered, but he is eager for revenge. At this important moment, he left the Demon Sect and came to Fengxin. Fu Wulin League.

Before the leader meeting started, he sneaked into Cyan Frost Castle, trying to assassinate his enemy, Cyan Frost Castle Master Li Qinghua, who is also the heroine's father.

However, although the male lead has made rapid progress in martial arts in the past few years because of eating the poisonous elixir, he is still not Li Qinghua's opponent.

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