Chapter 52

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Chapter 52

As time passed, the sun slowly slanted to the west, and a magnificent fire cloud hung in the air, covering the earth with a layer of colorful clouds, and also adding a bit of dreamy color to the hurried pedestrians on the street.

Lu Xiaogong stood upstairs watching this beautiful scene, until the clouds receded and darkness fell, swallowing up the last ray of light on the earth, then he turned and went back to his room.

The moment he opened the door, a black shadow flashed past the place where he had just been, and entered the room next to him.

Lu Xiaogong seemed to have noticed something, and suddenly turned his head to look there, but found nothing.

It seemed to be his illusion just now.

Su Mingyi was meditating on the bed and practicing kung fu. When there was a strange smell in the room, he immediately opened his eyes and looked at the hiding place of the person, "Come out!" "Oh, the leader is still so sensitive, I'm so scared

. "A charming female voice with a coquettish smile sounded in the room, and a woman stepped out of the screen behind the screen.

The skin is creamy, the face is like peach blossoms, the eyebrows are curved with willow leaves, a pair of soft brows seem to be boneless, the body is uneven, and the end is charming and enchanting, with a variety of styles.

At this time, he was scratching his head and making a pose with the person on the bed, full of affection. A look of wanting to get close but not daring to get close.

No one can understand this man's cruel methods better than her, and the poisonous lady has a deep fear of the person in front of her.

"Poison lady."

This seductive woman is exactly the poisonous lady An Yi mentioned before, and she is also one of Su Mingyi's capable men.

"Master, I'm here. Does the leader want me? Master, do you want to spend some time with me?" The seductive woman kept teasing Su Mingyi with her words, with a charming smile on her lips.

Su Mingyi turned a blind eye, this woman is a well-known black widow in Jianghu, who specially seduces and seduces the man she likes, and after seducing her, enjoys it and then kills her.

It may be that what is not available is the best. Ever since this woman tried to crawl on her own bed and was taught a lesson for her failure, every time she saw her, she had to use words to tease her.

But teasing. Teasing is teasing. Teasing, but I dare not start it directly.

"Are you able to do what you were asked to do?"

"Of course, how dare you neglect what the master asked me to do?" The poisonous lady smiled coquettishly, and took out a piece of parchment from her bosom, on which some simple lines were drawn. "This is the map of the entire Cyan Frost Castle. The defenses on it and the location where that old thief Li Qinghua lives are highlighted." The poisonous lady raised her hand, and the

parchment flew in front of him. Su Mingyi stretched out his hand and grabbed it. This roll of parchment.

"For this map, my family has put in a lot of effort. What reward will the leader offer?"

Su Mingyi opened the parchment, glanced over it quickly, and kept the route above in his heart.

"What reward do you want? The Demon Cult's right guardian. The position of the law is feasible?"

The position of the guardian of the law has always been the poisonous lady's dream, but now she has something more she wants. I would like to spend some time with you even more."

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