Chapter 45

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Chapter 45

On the wide official road, a maroon horse dragged a plainly decorated carriage forward slowly.

A man in a gray suit who looked like a domestic servant was driving the car. Next to him sat a middle-aged man in a black suit. The man was holding a knife in his hand.

His temples are protruding, and the strong muscles on his arms show his strength, and he looks like a master.

At this time, he was leaning on the side and closing his eyes to rest.

There were bursts of innocent children's laughter from inside the carriage, "Daddy, are we really going to enter the rivers and lakes?" "

Of course, Daddy wants to take Xiaojing out to roam the rivers and lakes and become a hero." The man called Daddy Han A laughing voice came from inside the car, floating in the wind.

The person in the carriage was none other than Lu Xiaogong who had been in this world for more than four years and nearly five years.

Four years ago, Shu Yufu gave birth to a baby boy as the plot said.

Named Lin Yijing.

Lin Yijing's name was given by Shu Yufu. After all, this child is the crystallization of love between a loving couple. Lu Xiaogong didn't intend to do it for him.

As for the child taking the original owner's surname, that was Shu Yufu's own decision and had nothing to do with Lu Xiaogong.

Before the child was born, Lu Xiaogong was busy practicing and rarely visited Shu Yufu.

Just let the servants take good care of him. With his own orders from the owner of the young village, the servants dare not neglect.

Shu Yufu's mother and child were well taken care of, and the delivery went smoothly.

After Lin Yijing was born, apart from practicing, Lu Xiaogong went to watch and amuse the children.

Lu Xiaogong did what he said, he said that if he treats Lin Yijing as his own child, then he really treats him as his own son.

If there is any good thing, Lin Yijing will be kept close first.

Even Shu Yufu, a mother, felt that she was not as serious as Lu Xiaogong in treating her children.

Of course, Lu Xiaogong's efforts were not without rewards. When Lin Yijing called someone for the first time, it wasn't his mother, but his cheap father.

When the word "daddy" was spit out from the mouth of the soft and cute little bun, Lu Xiaogong's heart almost melted.

Regardless of his aloof personality, he showed a bright smile to the little bun Lin Yijing, followed by all kinds of kisses.

In the eyes of others, Lu Xiaogong will always have the paralyzed face of the original owner, but it is different in front of this child.

I don't know how many people in the whole villa are jealous that this child has been favored by the young owner.

Lu Xiaogong and Shu Yufu gradually became acquainted with each other because of frequent visits to their children over the years.

In the past two years, the other party looked at him more and more tenderly, Lu Xiaogong felt bad.

It just so happens that he has been successful in cultivation in the past few years, and he has already reached the second level of the "Spiritual Alchemy" recommended to him by the system.

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