Chapter 80

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Chapter 80

After Shen Sanzhuang left, Lu Xiaogong stood up, and solemnly saluted the village chief, "Village chief, thank you for making decisions for me." Thank you

also for helping the Shen family.

The village chief quickly waved his hand, "Li Tongsheng, you are too polite, this is what I should do as a village chief." The

village chief sat back to his original place and looked at him kindly, "But Li Tongsheng, as for Brother Zhen... ...Don't worry about it, right? I will teach them a lesson."

When the village chief said this, he looked embarrassed.

Lu Xiaogong thought for a while, and took all the original owner's things back from Shen Sanzhuang, but their family couldn't take advantage of it.

The original owner should be at ease.

As for the protagonist's side, Lu Xiaogong didn't think about how to deal with it.

After all, it was the protagonist who was called to beat the original owner to death...

but it was also the original owner who found fault first.

Speaking of which, both of them were at fault. Now his original body is dead, and the original body of the protagonist Shou is also dead. Looking at it this way, it seems to be evened out.

In the end, Lu Xiaogong decided that as long as the protagonist couldn't bear to continue to trouble him, then he would not take action against him.

"The village chief was joking, it's all young people playing and messing around, and I don't know what to do for a while, I won't argue with them, but..." Lu Xiaogong changed the subject, "I won't find fault with them anymore , but if they dare to trouble me, I won't be relentless."

"Don't worry, I'll take care of them and won't let them mess around again."

"That's good." Lu Xiaogong smiled slightly, This is the best way, everyone lives in peace, and no one should ask anyone else's troubles.

Hearing Lu Xiaogong's answer, the village head immediately felt relieved, "Li Tongsheng, what are you going to do with the land after it's taken back?

" Thirty percent rent." Before Lu Xiaogong could answer, Aunt Zhao answered first.

"That's fine, but isn't the rent too low?"

"I also think it's a bit low, but Li Tongsheng is unwilling to charge more, saying that he is afraid that my family will have a hard time. Li Tongsheng is really a good person!"

Aunt Zhao was all smiles and kept praising Lu Xiaogong.

Lu Xiaogong blushed from the praise.

"Actually, it's fine. My family has a small population, so I can't eat much. Three times is enough." "

Since Li Tongsheng, you've already made up your mind, then that's fine."

The village head also showed a smile. This Li Tongsheng is just like his father. , are all kind people, and he needs to take care of him more in the future.

Aunt Zhao smiled, she didn't expect things to go so smoothly today, she had to thank the village chief.

"By the way, village chief," Aunt Zhao took out the basket she was carrying, and lifted the cloth. Inside were a cooked rabbit and half a chicken. I sold them all for money, and left a few extra meals, I have already cooked them, so bring some to your children, so that they can get some meat."

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