Chapter 81

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Chapter 81

The noise outside woke up Lu Xiaogong who was intoxicated in the sea of books.

He put down the book, and as soon as he walked out of the yard, he was startled by the scene outside.

A big tiger was placed in the yard, surrounded by circles of onlookers. Wei Siming stood next to the tiger's corpse, his face was covered in blood, his clothes were torn, and he looked in a state of distress.

"What's going on with you?" Lu Xiaogong's face changed, he didn't care much, he dragged him into the house, "How did this happen?" Seeing them closing the door and entering the house, Fifth Uncle Shen shook his head, the second

donkey I can ask for more blessings.

Fifth Uncle Shen sent back all the people who watched the fun outside, and it didn't take long for Li's courtyard to return to its usual tranquility.

In the bedroom, Lu Xiaogong took out the golden sore medicine, with a dissatisfied expression on his face, "Didn't I tell you to be careful? Is that how you are perfunctory to me?" The tattered clothes on Wei Siming's body have been

replaced, and the area around the wound has also been covered by Lu Xiaogong. Gong cleaned it with clean water, and seeing the deep paw print, Lu Xiaogong's heart was filled with anger.

He took several deep breaths before suppressing his anger.

Wei Siming was a little guilty, he was too afraid to speak.

Seeing this, Lu Xiaogong became even angrier, and pressed his wound with white jade fingers.

Wei Siming gasped.

"Pain?" Lu Xiaogong asked.

"It hurts~" Wei Siming looked at him pitifully.

Lu Xiaogong ignored his coquettishness, with a handsome face of a tough guy, but made such a soft and cute expression, he didn't feel distressed at all, he just felt hot eyes, "Oh, it's good if you know it hurts, don't worry about it next time." Come on again."

"I see," Wei Siming put away the pitiful expression on his face when his benefactor didn't like this, and sat on the bed obediently waiting for Lu Xiaogong to give him medicine.

Lu Xiaogong snorted coldly, stopped talking, and carefully applied the medicine to him.

After more than half an hour, all the wounds on Wei Siming's body have been treated.

"Okay," Lu Xiaogong straightened up. Due to his intense concentration, beads of sweat had already appeared on his forehead, and his complexion was a little grim.

Wei Siming noticed this scene as soon as he put on his clothes. He said, "Benefactor, you can lie down and rest."

Lu Xiaogong shook his head, and he sat aside.

"How did you meet a tiger? I haven't heard people in the village say that there are tigers in the back mountain?" "I do

n't know. Uncle Wu and I came across this tiger not long after entering the deep mountain. It may have come from somewhere else." "

Wei Siming rubbed against Lu Xiaogong and sat next to him, secretly put his hand on his, and picked it up to play with.

Noticing his small movements, Lu Xiaogong glanced at him angrily, he was still angry, this guy just wanted to push his feet?

Lu Xiaogong tried to withdraw his hand, but he couldn't do it.

"Let go," he said.

"I won't!" Wei Siming not only didn't let go, but grabbed it even tighter. Lu Xiaogong tried several times, but he couldn't pull it back, so he let him go.

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