Chapter 109

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Chapter 109 The hero and I are enemies

Several people were discussing where to eat, and after the discussion came to an end, Su Hongye called directly to reserve a box.

After she put down the phone, Lu Xiaogong asked, "How is the company doing recently? Have you encountered any difficulties?"

He was too busy recently to pay attention to these things.

Xie Mingrui, who was next to him, shook his head, "No, everything went smoothly."

With Lu Xiaogong's strong financial support, a few people working hard, and the company has recruited a lot of talents, this company has just been established. The company is thriving, and its development and growth are just around the corner.

Lu Xiaogong breathed a sigh of relief, "That's good, thanks for your hard work."

He patted Xie Mingrui's head with a gentle smile on his face.

Now Xie Mingrui is much taller than him, Lu Xiaogong struggled to touch his head.

Xie Mingrui felt sweet in his heart, and his face turned red. All the grievances he had suffered, and the hard work of staying up late and working overtime until midnight every day, disappeared after hearing these words.

Hard work, but worth it.

He swore in his heart at the beginning that he would let this person be carefree in this life and be able to do everything he wanted to his heart's content. Now, what is this little hard work?

"It's not very hard."

"That's hard work." Lu Xiaogong pinched his face, this guy is still the same as when he was a child, he blush when he praises him.

I really can't see that this is a person who is as cold as ice in front of others.

I always thought he was so cute.

Lu Xiaogong's eyes crooked, he didn't know what he thought of, and suddenly laughed out loud.

Mu Mingjiang saw this scene from the rearview mirror, his teeth were sore, and he didn't know what it was like.

He seemed to be joking, "Hey, hey, you are going too far. Hongye and I have worked very hard, why do you only praise Octavia? Do you know that you are partial? Hongye, do you think so? ?"

In the end, he looked to Su Hongye, seeking the alliance's affirmation.

Su Hongye glanced back from time to time with a strange expression on her face.

For some reason, she always felt that there was something strange between these few people, and she always felt that she had overlooked something.

Hearing his words, she subconsciously said "Ah", "What did you say?"

She didn't hear clearly.

"I said, obviously the three of us worked equally hard, but Xiao Gong only praised Ming Rui, and asked if you think he is a bit biased?"

Mu Mingjiang emphasized his tone, and Su Hongye finally heard it clearly this time.

She shook her head seriously, "No, no, isn't he a bit partial."

Mu Mingjiang condemned her with his eyes, "You are too blind to talk nonsense with your eyes open? Isn't that a bit partial? "

I haven't finished talking yet, what are you in a hurry for?" Su Hongye gave him a white look, "Of course he is not just a little eccentric, he is obviously very eccentric. But isn't this something that everyone has known for a long time? When he was growing up, he was particularly partial to Octavia, okay? When I was a child, I was the first one to think about something delicious, and the first thing I thought about was him, and we just picked it up. I think I ate it at the beginning. A lot of jealousy, now, I've seen it for a long time. Comparing people to others is irritating, and it's impossible to compare, so it's better not to compare."

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