Chapter 38

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Chapter 38

Lu Xiaogong and the others only stayed in City J for one day, and then set off to return to City S.

After returning to S, Lu Xiaogong followed his parents back to Lu's house, while Bai Wanming went directly to the company after sending them home.

During his absence, some people stretched their hands too far.

He hasn't made a move for a long time, and he has made those forgetful people forget his previous methods.

Bai Wanming originally wanted to keep the young man in his own home, but Lu's mother refused to agree.

After all, Bai Wanming didn't want to offend her future mother-in-law, so she didn't stick to it.

However, in order to prevent the young man from having any trouble, Bai Wanming did not let the bodyguards he hired go back, but kept a few for himself, and sent the rest to protect the young man's family.

Including Lu Lin who works in his own company, there are also a few little tails behind him.

As a result, the employees of the company always looked at him with strange eyes, but for his own safety, Lu Lin endured it.

He doesn't think his brother... brother-in-law is making a fuss out of a molehill.

He also knew a little about Bai Wanming's situation, and the kidnapping of his younger brother also woke him up.

Although this world is a civilized society, it is not absolutely safe.

There will always be people who wantonly challenge the law.

After Bai Wanming returned to the company, Li Jiayu, who had been working overtime until midnight, was the happiest for the past few days. He was finally liberated!

Bai Wanming, who returned to the company to sit in town, was not idle. He started to fight back against those who took advantage of the fire, and began to use thunderous means to attack Li.

Ever since he learned from the kidnappers that they were instructed by the second young master of the Li family to kidnap the young man, Bai Wanming became angry.

What is even angrier is that they originally wanted the young man's life, but fortunately the young man escaped safely because of his wit.

Otherwise, I am afraid that he will really lose his youth forever. Just thinking about the consequences, Bai Wanming's heart palpitations.

Fortunately, fortunately, none of this happened.

The palpitations were followed by anger.

Bai Wanming knew that the young man had no enmity with the Li family's ignorant dude who ate, drank, prostituted and gambled.

As for why he suddenly took action against the young man, Bai Wanming knew without thinking, it must have been entrusted to him.

As for who the mastermind behind the scenes is, apart from the Li family, Bai Wanming doesn't make any other guesses.

On the day Bai Wanming returned to City S, he ordered the kidnappers and the evidence in their hands to be handed over to the police station, including the phone call recorded by the leader of the kidnappers.

Those recordings were not given to him by the system, but he got them from the mobile phone of the leader of the kidnappers.

The police station had received the report early, but before they could solve the case, others rescued the hostages and captured a group of kidnappers.

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