Chapter 94

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Chapter 94

After eating and taking a shower, Lu Xiaogong went back to his room, practiced his internal strength for a while, and fell asleep when it was getting late, and when he fell asleep, both Papa Xiao and Xu Guizhi hadn't come back yet.

After eleven o'clock, the couple went home together.

Mama Liu wasn't asleep yet, so Xu Guizhi put the bag on the sofa and didn't want to move after sitting there.

Xiao's father asked, "Mother Liu, how is the young master today? Did you see that we lost our temper?"

Liu's mother shook her head, "No, the young master is very good, but he doesn't look too happy.

" Xu Guizhi immediately sat up straight, and exchanged a glance with Xiao Anmin, son unhappy? This is a big deal.

"What's the reason, Mama Liu, have you asked clearly?" Xu Guizhi said, as a good mother who cares about her son, no matter how busy or tired she is, she must take good care of her son.

"I asked, but the young master didn't say anything, but I guess it must be that the wife and husband haven't had dinner with the young master for several days, so it's not happy." Liu Ma was not very sure, but

Xu Guizhi and his wife But I believed it.

Apart from not being able to see them, what could be the reason why the son is in a bad mood?

That must be it.

The two felt a little guilty. Recently, the company took on a big project and was very busy. This time, they neglected their son.

Xiao Anmin sat next to Xu Guizhi, and the two discussed what to do. If they were so busy, they would not see their son. Although his son was very sensible, he would not complain to them if he was unhappy. But they are also afraid that after a long time, their son will not kiss them.

"How about this," Xu Guizhi suggested, "Let Zhao Cai take his son directly to the company in the future, and we will have dinner together as a family. Let him play in our office after eating. Anyway, my son is so sensible, he won't give it to him What trouble are we having?"

"Isn't that good?" Xiao Anmin was a little hesitant. He believed that his son was sensible and would not cause them any trouble. He was afraid that people in the company would gossip, and what if they were too busy to take care of them?

"Should I send it to my parents and let them take care of us for a while? We'll pick it up after we're done working? I'm afraid we won't be able to take care of us in the company. What if something goes wrong?" "This..." Xu

Guizhi A little hesitant, what Xiao Anmin said was not unreasonable, but she also had her own concerns.

She had always had conflicts with her mother-in-law, and she left her son with her. After a long time, she couldn't say whether she wanted to come back, but she was afraid that her son's heart would be completely biased to that side. After all, his son was still young, so it was easy for people to win him over.

Get close to whoever you get along with the most, Xu Guizhi doesn't want to do such a loss-making business.

"How about this? Let's take it to the company for two days. If we really can't take care of it, then we can put it with our parents." After

thinking about it, she made a compromise suggestion.

Xiao Anmin glanced at her, as if he knew her concerns, nodded, "Just do as you say."

Sandwiched between the old woman and his wife, he was also very embarrassed, after all, he was not the cunning little boy like his son, who relied on being cute Relieved several family battles.

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