Chapter 34

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Chapter 34

"System, what's going on here? Why did these people kidnap me?"

Lu Xiaogong was very flustered. He didn't know whether these people kidnapped him because he was unlucky, or because someone deliberately targeted him.

Lu Xiaogong was knocked unconscious. After the kidnappers caught up with him, they directly gave him a hand knife. His neck still hurts now, the pain made Lu Xiaogong want to move his cervical spine, and he was afraid that the kidnappers would find that he had woken up.

After weighing the pros and cons, Lu Xiaogong decided to endure it.

After all, no one knew whether those gangsters would give him another blow after they knew he woke up.

"Host, do you still remember the plot?"

The system's words attracted all of Lu Xiaogong's attention, making him temporarily forget the pain in his neck.

"The plot?" Lu Xiaogong began to try his best to recall. Up to now, because the plot had been messed up by him before it even started, he had already forgotten about it. If the system hadn't reminded him, he might not be able to remember it.

"Yes, the plot, host, please think back."

There is a passage in the original text, under the hard work of the female supporting role, the relationship between the male and female protagonists gradually heats up, and finally what the female supporting role did was exposed to the male protagonist, and the male protagonist began to dislike her. Knowing that she has no hope anymore, she frantically made a single throw and let her dandy brother kidnap the heroine. With the mentality that I will have a hard time and you don't want to, she is going to kill the heroine.

In the end, he was rescued by the male lead who arrived in time.

This time, what the female partner did touched the hero's bottom line. The male protagonist was completely enraged and broke the legs of the female partner's cannon fodder brother. Not to mention, he even broke the company of the female partner's family, Tianliang Wang, and the whole family was forcibly sent abroad. .

From then on, all the cannon fodder for the male and female supporting roles went off the assembly line, and the male and female protagonists lived happily together and lived a happy life.

Lu Xiaogong couldn't put it into words, and his teeth ached, "You mean, the plot is not only ahead of schedule, but the plot where the heroine is supposed to be kidnapped is now transferred to me?"

"From the current point of view, that's right. But the host, because the female supporting role has been reborn, the plot has already deviated, that is to say, the plot you rely on is meaningless." "..." Lu Xiaogong couldn't explain it


He really didn't know what to say to this unreliable system.

"This is the novice world you said? This is the task you said is not difficult? This is the low difficulty you said? Tell me, what the hell is this reborn female partner?" Lu Xiaogong was very angry, his chest heaving

heavily He said, and happened to be seen by the yellow hair beside him.

Huang Mao took advantage of the situation and gave him a kick, "Don't pretend to be dead since you're awake!"

This kick was not light, Huang Mao doesn't like men, even though Lu Xiaogong is more beautiful than most women.

It's a pity that the one with the handle is the one with the handle. If you change the gender, the yellow hair will already be touched. How could he be willing to give him such a kick? It's a pity that there are thousands of mistakes, and it's all gender's fault.

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