Chapter 96

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Chapter 96

A few days later, the driver reported the specific situation of Xie's family to Lu Xiaogong.

This is what he spent several days learning from the couple's neighbors.

After finishing speaking, the driver asked, "Young master, why are you inquiring about their family's situation?"

Lu Xiaogong lowered his head and thought, he guessed that Xie Mingrui's situation would not be very good, but he did not expect it to be so bad.

Lu Xiaogong came back to his senses, "I don't think my friend is doing well, so I want to see if I can help him." "

So that's the case." The driver didn't ask much.

After a moment he sighed, with a trace of sympathy on his face. "But that child is also suffering. I heard that there is often no one to take care of him at home. It is common for him to suffer from hunger and cold. It would be great if the young master could help him."

Lu Xiaogong fell into deep thought.

If the two couples continue like this, the woman is busy with life, and the man can't find a job and drinks alcohol every day. If they evolve into alcoholics, the consequences will be disastrous.

At that time, Xie Mingrui will be more difficult than now.

Lu Xiaogong sighed when he remembered the kind eyes that woman looked at him when he was just born.

I still have to find a way to help that family, so that they can live a better life, so that Xie Mingrui can also live a better life, and won't be blackened because of all the suffering since childhood.

It seems that he has to ask his own cheap father.

However, his biological father has begun to suspect that Xie Mingrui is not his own son, but instead thinks that he is the bastard of his wife and outside men. He thought that with a green hat on his head, no man would treat a bastard well, which is quite difficult.

Even if his job is solved, he may not treat Xie Mingrui well.


why didn't his biological mother explain it?

I always feel that this thing is tricky.

Could it be?

She directed this sub-changing incident?

Lu Xiaogong was startled.

Thinking about it carefully, it's not impossible. In the TV series I watched before, the mother hopes that the child will have a better life in the future, and she will replace the prince with a civet cat without telling her husband.

Lu Xiaogong suddenly became enlightened, and felt that this was most likely the case.

It seemed that he had to find a way to get in touch with his biological father, but he couldn't show up by himself, and suddenly thanked his cheap mother for preparing a mobile phone for him.

"Uncle Zhao, do you have a way to get their mobile phone numbers?"

"Yes, but it will take some time." The driver glanced at him in the rearview mirror, "If the young master is in a hurry, why don't you ask the husband to find them directly?" You Mr. Zhang, Mr. Zhang must have the phone numbers of the parents of the students."

"Yeah." Lu Xiaogong nodded, of course he knew, but he couldn't let cheap father intervene in this matter.

Otherwise, I don't know how to explain it.

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