Chapter 79

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Chapter 79

Shen Sanzhuang followed the village chief's grandson to the village chief's house. Lu Xiaogong, Aunt Zhao and the village chief were sitting in the main room of the village chief's house waiting for him.

Seeing him, Aunt Zhao rolled her eyes and turned her head away. She really didn't like people like Shen Sanzhuang. Lu Xiaogong was expressionless, only the village chief put down the pipe in his hand, and greeted him with a smile, "San Zhuang is here.

" The farmer who rolls around in the bed looks like a pampered official lord.

The five features on his face are acceptable, he can be regarded as handsome, and his mouth is sweet, so life is going smoothly.

But it's no wonder that if the appearance is not good, Shen Lengyu and Shen Jianxiu will not be able to produce a pair of decent-looking children like Shen Lengyu and Shen Jianxiu. They are not sweet and can't talk, and it is impossible for the protagonist to be favored by his grandma for many years.

It's just a pity, this is a leech that sucks blood on other people's bodies, and it's a good look for nothing.

"Village chief, what do you need from me?"

Shen Sanzhuang smiled nicely at the village chief, ignoring the two people sitting beside him.

"San Zhuang, sit down." The village chief pointed to the chair beside him, and after Shen Sanzhuang sat down, he said, "San Zhuang, I asked you to come here today for the sake of Li Tongsheng's field." "Land? What

? land?"

Shen Sanzhuang pretended to be stupid.

When Aunt Zhao saw it, she became angry immediately, and she slapped the table fiercely, "Shen Sanzhuang, don't play dumb! Who in the entire Shenjia Village knows that after the death of Li Xiucai and his wife, their family's eight acres of paddy fields, ten Five acres of dry land, rented to your family at a quarterly rent of 20%?"

Aunt Zhao's sudden attack made Shen Sanzhuang's fat body tremble suddenly, who doesn't know that Aunt Zhao can be said to be a Notoriously spicy. Her sudden slap on the table not only frightened Shen Sanzhuang, but even the village chief's hand shook, and he almost couldn't hold the cigarette rod in his hand. The village chief looked at her dissatisfied, and said in a deep voice, "It belongs to Shen Wu's family! "

Aunt Zhao quickly apologized, but she was still afraid of the village chief, "I'm sorry, village chief, it's all because Shen Sanzhuang is too shameless, I can't control my anger when I see him.

" After worrying so much, he looked at Shen Sanzhuang. Shen Sanzhuang's reputation in Shenjia Village was indeed not very good. "

What do you say about Sanzhuang?" It's useless, "That's right, Li Tongsheng's land is leased to my family for planting, what's the problem?

" The reason why I leased the land to San Zhuang's family at such a low rent is because I once wanted to marry Miss Leng Yu and treat their family as my future husband's family. But I didn't expect that after the grain harvest, they The family didn't think it was the case. But I regarded them as future family members, so I didn't come to ask for them. I was afraid that their family would have a hard time, so I used the family property to subsidize them everywhere, but Uncle San Zhuang clearly never thought of asking for them. Marrying Miss Lengyu to me, I just wanted to empty out my Li family's wealth. After taking away most of my Li family's wealth, Miss Lengyu became estranged from me, and she avoided her when I went to find her I don't see you, that's all, just think it's my wishful thinking. But half a month ago, Miss Leng Yu suddenly came to me crying, saying that she was bullied by her cousin Shen Zizhen, and that in her heart I was her future Husband, I have to stand up for her. I foolishly believed her words, and went to Shen Zizhen to settle the score in a rage, but was beaten up by Shen Zizhen and his cousins, but I didn't expect that I would lie on the hospital bed for several days. I almost went to see Hades, but Miss Leng Yu never came to see me. I was too stupid to see clearly before, but after this incident, I finally understood that their family clearly wanted me to die, okay? Plotting for my Li family's family business. But I was blessed by the ancestors of the Li family, so I didn't die. Now, I just want to return the things that belong to the Li family, the fields of the Li family, and the debts owed by the previous three strong uncles. My renter, Miss Leng Yu took the valuables from me, please return them to me, and ask the village chief to make decisions for me!" His face was flushed with tears in his eyes, his face was full of grief and indignation, and his whole body Trembling, as if he had been wronged by the sky, and could faint from being too excited the next moment. Lu Xiaogong's words

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