Chapter 12

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Chapter 12 Domineering CEO Pretty Assistant

Although Bai Wanming seldom looked at Lu Xiaogong from behind, he was very interested in him in his heart.

This beautiful boy is the first person to have such a big change in his body, he needs to study it carefully.

Although it is only about desire.

But before that, he should ask his bad friend what happened.

Bai Wanming, who was hiding something in his heart, waved them out after the two introduced themselves respectively. After the door closed, he took out his mobile phone and made a call. After a few minutes, he put down the mobile phone thoughtfully.

After staring at the door in a daze for a while, he sat back at the desk again and continued to process the unfinished documents just now.

As soon as Lu Xiaogong went out there, he was greeted with concern and greetings from all the female compatriots.

"Xiao Lu, how's it going? This is the first time I've met the president, have you been frightened by the president's cold face?" "

Yes, yes, have you been frightened by the boss?"

Lu Xiaogong smiled and shook his head, how could he possibly Will be frightened by the male lead's cold face, he is the one who wants to attack the male lead.

So easy to be scared, will there be any play in the strategy in the future? Therefore, it is impossible to be scared to be scared.

"Really?" The female staff member who asked this question had a look of disbelief, "I think when I first met the boss, I was so scared by that cold face that I didn't dare to breathe out, so you weren't scared? Yes Are you too bold or the boss is too gentle to you?"

The female staff who spoke kept looking at Lu Xiaogong's pretty face, and said to herself, "Could it be that you are so good-looking that the boss gave you preferential treatment? Possibly! There are too many good-looking people in our company, and I haven't seen any preferential treatment from the boss." She immediately denied this guess, and finally she came to a conclusion, "It must be that you are too courageous, or you are nervous. It's too big, so I ignored the cold face of the boss."

"Maybe." Lu Xiaogong smiled, and then dealt with the other party's questions casually, and then sent the gossiping person away.

Lu Xiaogong returned to his seat, and while continuing to do the work he hadn't finished yesterday, he called the system in his heart.

"System, are you still there?"

"You are here, host, what's the matter with the host." After saying this, the system seemed to recall the virtues of its own host, and immediately continued, "If the host is looking for me If the male lead's nude photos are taken, then we'll skip the discussion."

"Oh," Lu Xiaogong immediately changed the subject when he saw that his little thoughts had been exposed, "What did you think of the system? I just want to gossip with you After all, I can't force you to violate the professional ethics of your system, don't you think?"

The system thinks it's right after thinking about it, the host really can't force it to do anything.

After figuring this out, the system calmed down. As a caring and qualified system, it is obliged to chat and gossip with its boring host, "Then host, what do you want to discuss?" "

Well ..." Lu Xiaogong hesitated for a moment, and then said enthusiastically, "Why don't we discuss the figure of the hero? Let me tell you, the figure of the hero is really good, like a clothes hanger. Look at him Doesn't the suit you're wearing look good?"

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