Chapter 4

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Chapter 4 Overbearing President Pretty Assistant

Lu Xiaogong had no idea that the system had already labeled him a lecher in his heart.

He was chattering to the system. After listening to a lot of his questions, the system, which always liked to be quiet, couldn't stand it and interrupted the questions of his lecherous host.

"Host, the question you asked is written in the plot."

"Yes?" Lu Xiaogong looked suspicious, "Why didn't I see it?" "

Yes, it is written in the plot, I don't need to deceive Host!"

The system quickly scanned the plot, and said to Lu Xiaogong with certainty.

Lu Xiaogong fake coughed twice in embarrassment, he just watched the plot roughly. He only noticed the important plot line and the description of the appearance of the characters in the plot. As for other things...

such as the male lead's preferences, he really didn't remember them.

The point is, he only cared about watching the male lead. As for the male lead, who cares which little onion he is.

This sudden mention by the system made him feel a little embarrassed even for a thick-skinned person.

"Okay, then I'll re-watch the plot again, but before that, I have an important question."

Hearing the host's words, the system was ready for battle. Very good, the host finally realized his identity as a raider deeply. I am not afraid that he has a problem, but I am afraid that he has no problem.

After all, only if there are problems can it show that the host actually takes this strategy seriously.

The system felt relieved.

"If you have any questions, host, please tell me, I will definitely know without words."

"Know without words?" Lu Xiaogong asked suspiciously, is there something wrong with this sentence?

Hearing Lu Xiaogong's rhetorical question, the system seemed to realize his slip of the tongue, "Ah, I know everything without saying anything. The system has never read a book and has no education. Please don't care about these details."

"Okay." Lu Xiaogong didn't care at all. Anyway, he just... wanted to ask the system if there is any photo of the hero Bai Wanming. The system said that the hero's appearance is so high, his Yan Gou's heart is almost out of control.

"Then, what questions does the host want to ask the system?" The system turned back the already distorted topic.

"It's like this." Seeing the serious attitude of the system, Lu Xiaogong was a little embarrassed, and spurned himself in his heart.

But the spat is all the spat, the photo should still be wanted.

"I want to ask, do you have a photo of the hero Bai Wanming in your hand, so that I can know what the target of the strategy looks like, otherwise wouldn't it be embarrassing to admit the wrong person when it comes to the strategy?" Lu Xiaogong said

seriously Talking nonsense, in fact, he just wants to feast his eyes.

The system that is ready to meet the host's question: "..."

"It's best to take a naked photo!" Lu Xiaogong didn't know what he thought of, his face was rippling, and his saliva was about to flow out. He subconsciously reached out and wiped it.

The system looking at this scene: "..."

May I ask if beating the host will be recorded as a major demerit by the headquarters and points will be deducted?

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