Chapter 86

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Chapter 86

After more than a month of careful maintenance, Lu Xiaogong's beauty has recovered more than half, looking like a brother from afar.

Fortunately, he seldom went out, so his changes did not frighten the people in Shenjia Village. As for Aunt Zhao and Fifth Uncle Shen, they met every day and couldn't notice any changes in him at all.

"It was the people around me who came here." Wei Siming raised his voice and replied.

"Two donkeys?"

All the men dug their ears. Are the two donkeys calling them brave generals?

Only a big man with a beard and beard poked Wei Siming, and asked with a malicious smile, "General, whose brother is this? You are so handsome. You have lived together for so long, have you accomplished anything good? Wei

Siming's face darkened, and his aura suddenly turned cold. He punched the bearded man, "Don't talk nonsense, that's a man. If you dare to speak out in front of him, I can't spare you. Okay, let's go in first." Rest and rest, we will leave here tomorrow morning."

"Yes, General."

Seeing that the general was angry, everyone stopped talking nonsense and dispersed one by one.

Wei Siming returned to Lu Xiaogong's side, hesitated for a moment, and then said, "Benefactor, we will leave tomorrow." "

Okay, I'll go and pack my things."

Lu Xiaogong was about to leave after speaking, Wei Siming hold him.

"What's wrong?" Lu Xiaogong turned his head to look at him.

"Benefactor, do you really want to come with me?"

Wei Siming hesitated.

"What? You don't welcome it? Forget it, I'll stay in Shenjia Village. I will marry a pleasing brother in the future, have a litter of children, raise a few dogs, raise children and play with the dogs. That's right."

When Wei Siming heard that Lu Xiaogong wanted to marry someone else, Wei Siming's heart was filled with jealousy, he put his arms around Lu Xiaogong's waist, and said in a deep voice, "Don't even think about it, you can only be with her in this life. I'm together, don't even think about marrying a wife and having children!"

Lu Xiaogong pushed him, but did not push.

He was helpless, "Then why are you asking so many nonsense? Why don't you just take me away? Put me under your nose, keep an eye on me, and prevent me from getting a chance to marry a wife and have children?" "Okay

. "

Wei Siming said in a deep voice, he couldn't stand just hearing his benefactor say that he was going to marry a wife and have children. If the benefactor really married a wife and had children, then he would be so sad that he would kill someone to vent his anger?"

"Okay, why don't you let me go?"

Lu Xiaogong continued to push him.

"I'll go with you."

Wei Siming refused to let go.

After the two left, those who stood in the corner and saw this scene looked at me, I looked at you, and looked at each other.

The scene just now was more exciting than the man calling them General Erlu.

One of them asked, "Is there something wrong between our general and that man?" "

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