Chapter 111

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Chapter 111 The hero and I are enemies

The system flashed out, and the egg's face was full of dignity. After scanning it, it said, "Host, there are two personalities in Xie Mingrui's body. It should come from the same source, and the two personalities are currently attacking each other, endlessly. Stop them quickly, or both of them will be finished."

When Lu Xiaogong heard this, he didn't care so much, he rushed up and hugged Xie Mingrui desperately in his arms, "Mingrui, stop, be obedient, he can't hurt Me, don't worry."

Xie Mingrui, who was going crazy in the sea of consciousness, stopped immediately when he heard the familiar voice.

at the same time.

'Xie Mingrui' also fell silent, Lu Xiaogong glanced at him, let him go, and moved a little away from him.

"Who are you? Why are you in Ming Rui's body?" Lu Xiaogong asked.

'Xie Mingrui' looked at him bitterly, but didn't speak.

For this person who killed him in the previous life, he didn't want to say a word to him.

Lu Xiaogong was helpless, he still hadn't figured out what was going on, let alone what he had done wrong, and why this person hated him so much and wanted his life.

Not to mention how depressed Lu Xiaogong was, his mind was as messed up as a pot of porridge.

All kinds of messy thoughts came to my mind.

Unable to communicate with the person in front of him, and Xie Mingrui was pressed and unable to get out, Lu Xiaogong simply sat aside.

Lu Xiaogong sat on the sofa, staring closely at the person on the bed. Just now, for convenience, he hadn't put on clothes for Xie Mingrui, and he didn't wear pants himself.

If this is Xie Mingrui, then he just looked at him like this I don't think it's anything, after all, the two of them have been in close contact, but the person in Xie Mingrui's body is not Xie Mingrui.

That's embarrassing.

After sitting for a while, Lu Xiaogong stood up, walked to the closet, took a set of clothes, and threw them over to him.

"Put on your clothes."

He himself took a pair of pants and went out.

Holding the clothes, looking at the marks on his body, and thinking of the enemy's dressing up just now, as well as his physical discomfort, 'Xie Mingrui' turned pale and pale.

An adult can understand what happened.

Who the hell is he wearing it on?

Could it be that dude's lover? But that bastard called him Ming Rui just now.

'Xie Mingrui' quickly put on his clothes, and while Lu Xiaogong was away, he looked around for mirrors.

After finding the mirror, he immediately held it in front of him. After seeing the face in the mirror clearly, he heaved a sigh of relief, it was still his own face.

It still looks young.

After confirming that it was his face, he breathed a sigh of relief and looked for his phone again.

Turning on the phone, the time was four years before his death.

It seemed that he was reborn, but this rebirth was a little different from what he had imagined.

Four years ago, he was still in college and didn't even know the bastard who killed him.

And there's this weird relationship.

Why is it different? Where exactly has the change occurred?

Didn't he return to that book? But he could see clearly that it was the book that sucked his soul into it.

Or is it that there are adventurers exactly like him in this world who changed the world?

'Xie Mingrui' pondered in his heart and felt that it was possible.

Who would this person be?

It is a pity that Xie Mingrui can share his memory, but he cannot share Xie Mingrui's memory.

Otherwise he would soon figure out what was going on.

Xie Mingrui, who was suppressed in the depths of the sea of consciousness, tried several times to regain control of his body, but failed.

He regretted it in his heart, and blamed him for being too careless to allow this thing that didn't know where it came from to take advantage of it.

It almost hurt Xiao Gong.

"System, can you tell me what's going on?"

Lu Xiaogong put on his trousers, sat on the sofa, and rubbed his temples with a headache. What the hell is going on.

The system appeared in front of his eyes, "Host, I made a guess and think that Xie Mingrui may have a split personality."

"Split personality?" Lu Xiaogong was puzzled. "Hasn't he been normal before? Why did he suddenly have a split personality? Ming Rui doesn't have any mental illness. And as you can see, he hates me and attacks me. Even if he has a split personality, it won't be like this? Things may be worse than you imagined. It's more complicated. Could it be that some ghost got on him?"

After thinking and thinking, Lu Xiaogong felt that this was the most likely.

"Host, after scanning, the two personalities do come from the same source and belong to the same soul. As for why he suddenly attacked you, I don't know. Did you do something to be sorry for others?" the system asked, this

time The problem is a bit complicated, and it can't handle it.

"What can I do to apologize to him? Do you think it is possible for him to be reborn?" Lu Xiaogong suddenly guessed, saying that he had a split personality. He always felt that it was too ridiculous. How could it be possible? He didn't show anything wrong. Lu Xiaogong didn't think that with his many years of experience, if there was something wrong with the other party, he wouldn't be able to detect it.

Hearing his guess, the system laughed, "Host, how is that possible? If it is rebirth, the weaker soul will not even resist, but will directly merge with the reborn soul, because they are one. "

People with split personalities are still one, but don't they also exist separately?"

Lu Xiaogong waved his hands weakly, "Forget it, let's not study this, we will always know what it is. The important thing now is How can I dispel his hostility towards me and let Mingrui come out."

The system shook his head, "Host, I don't know about this. How about you meeting them less and stimulating him less, maybe the situation will be better? Xie Mingrui has gained control of his body, and he will contact you proactively.

" suggestion.


Lu Xiaogong sighed, "Just listen to you."

A dead horse is a living horse doctor.

"The professor asked me to go abroad as an exchange student next semester. Originally, I didn't plan to go, but I should consider it now."

Lu Xiaogong made a decision and decided to go out to relax.

When he came back, Xie Mingrui was no longer there, Lu Xiaogong didn't know what it was like, and always felt that they could never go back to the past.

As for the other party's attitude of treating him like an enemy...

Lu Xiaogong adjusted his mentality.

Now that the decision has been made, it is time to do it, Lu Xiaogong began to prepare for going abroad.

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