Chapter 65

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Chapter 65 The story of the first beautiful man raising a child 【End】

The wheels creaked, Lu Xiaogong sat in the spacious and comfortable carriage, holding Lin Yijing in one hand and a book in the other.

The carriage was covered with thick animal fur to reduce the bumps, and a soft and comfortable silk quilt covered his legs.

Although it is not as comfortable as traveling in modern times, in the ancient times where transportation is inconvenient, it is already considered a very good treatment.

Su Mingyi tried his best to give him the best enjoyment.

Lin Yijing leaned in his arms, his eyes rolled around, seeing that his father was focusing all his attention on the notebook in his hand, ignoring himself, Lin Yijing stretched out his little hand, and poked Lu Xiaogong's chest time after time superior.

Lu Xiaogong was so disturbed that he couldn't concentrate on reading. He put the book aside, grabbed Xiao Baozi's fidgeting hand, and looked down at him, "Jing'er, what's wrong?" "Daddy, where did uncle go


" Seeing her father starting to take care of herself, Lin Yijing's mood suddenly became high.

"Does Jing'er miss Uncle?" Lu Xiaogong hugged him and turned around, making him face himself.

"Daddy, you only know how to read, and you don't pay attention to Jing'er. Jing'er wants uncle to play with me."

Little Baozi pursed his mouth in dissatisfaction.

"Jing'er, don't worry, uncle will be back soon, how about letting him play with you then?" Lu Xiaogong coaxed patiently.

After their group left Qingzhou City, they had been on the road for five or six days. Yesterday afternoon, Su Mingyi suddenly said that he had something to do and would come back tomorrow. Instruct those hidden guards to protect them, and they disappeared.

It's been a long time today, seeing that the sun is about to set, people haven't come back yet, and they don't know what to do, Lu Xiaogong was already worried, so he took out a free book to read, and diverted his attention . Unexpectedly, Xiao Baozi would suddenly make a fuss, because of what happened last time, Lu Xiaogong became wary of Shu Yufu.

During the time on the road, Lin Yijing stayed by his side, and Shu Yufu came to ask for someone several times, but he stopped them all.

I don't know why, Su Mingyi and his approach are roughly the same,

intentionally or unintentionally separated the mother and child, not allowing them to meet, even if Jing'er misses her mother occasionally, they would take the child over there and stand by, resolutely not letting them both alone.

I don't know what happened without his knowledge.

Children are very forgetful, what Shu Yufu said to him last time, after verifying that his father didn't want him because he had an uncle, he forgot about it.

He still likes Su Mingyi very much.

"Really? Daddy didn't lie to me?"

"Really, how could Daddy lie to Jing'er? Daddy is the most..." Before Lu Xiaogong finished speaking, the carriage stopped suddenly and interrupted him.

"Lin An, what's going on?" Lu Xiaogong just lifted the curtain, only to find that the person the father and son had just discussed was standing in front of the carriage.

"Master, it's Mr. Su." Lin An whispered.

Lin An was suddenly knocked out on the day he stopped in Yunge, but when he woke up, he found that he was suddenly changed, and he was panicked. He thought that he and the young village owner were taken away by gangsters.

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