Chapter 15

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Chapter 15 Overbearing President Pretty Assistant

In just one afternoon, the news of Lu Xiaogong's early regularization spread like wildfire, and many people looked at him in a wrong way, especially the newcomers who joined the company with him.

Even some of the old employees who have become full-time employees looked at him a little strangely, with envy, jealousy, and disdain in them.

Those disdainful people thought from the bottom of their hearts that Lu Xiaogong must have used some method they didn't know to be able to become a regular so quickly.

Lu Xiaogong was not unaware of these gazes. After he inquired a little bit, he knew why. In the afternoon, he mentioned such a thing about becoming a full-time employee to a colleague, but he didn't expect it to spread throughout the company so quickly.

Lu Xiaogong clicked his tongue twice, and couldn't help complaining to the system, "System, you said that man, a big man, why is he gossiping like this? I told him about my becoming a full-time employee. Spread the word to me throughout the company?"

System: "..."

Has the host forgotten that he is actually a man, and he is also a gossip? Although the topic of gossip between the host and it is limited to the figure of the male protagonist.

Speechless, but the system still reminded, "Host, that person really has nothing to say, please cut off contact with him in the future, and he seems to have a bit of malice towards the host, please be careful about the other party in the future." "

Malicious?" Lu Xiaogong was very surprised, he and the colleague just now were only familiar, and they hadn't even talked a few times, and there hadn't been any conflicts, how could the other party be malicious to him? "Why is he malicious to me? I don't seem to have offended him, right?" "The host did not have any conflicts with him, but the system's feeling is correct. The other party did have malicious intentions towards the host just now, but only It's a very small trace, so I didn't remind the host just now." Lu Xiaogong frowned, anyone who suddenly heard someone say to him that a certain person has malicious intentions towards you will not be in a good mood. And Lu Xiaogong felt that there was absolutely no need for the system to lie to him, so he believed in the system's guess.

However, no matter how he thought about it, he couldn't figure out why that colleague suddenly became malicious towards him.

"System, you said just now, that is to say, he suddenly became malicious towards me while talking to me?" Lu Xiaogong grasped an important point.

"That's right, that's how it is. After you, the host, said that you were promoted to a regular position in advance, that person suddenly showed a hint of malice towards you." "

So that's the case?" Lu Xiaogong nodded thoughtfully.

He already understood why the other party suddenly became malicious. In the final analysis, it was caused by human jealousy.

Lu Xiaogong sighed in his heart, then put the matter aside.

Today is a good day, and you shouldn't be affected by some indifferent people.

Throughout the afternoon, Lu Xiaogong was stared at by many people who passed by him with strange eyes, but because he was in a good mood and didn't care too much, he ignored all these eyes.

Occasionally someone would come over and ask him if he knew why he was suddenly made a full-time member, but Lu Xiaogong dismissed him with a casual sentence of not knowing.

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