Chapter 121

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Chapter 121 After sleeping with the future emperor

Lu Xiaogong was full of thoughts, the sound of the door opening "squeaked" woke him up, he looked towards the door, and saw Feng Yanming standing in front of the door with his back on his back, the golden sunlight hit his back, like a god.

Lu Xiaogong looked at him with a complicated face, his fingers trembling slightly.

He didn't know if his guess was correct, he opened his mouth, but finally said nothing.

Feng Yanming looked at him with a strange expression, "What's the matter? Why do you look at me with such eyes?"

Lu Xiaogong retracted his gaze, tried to calm down, and complimented, "Your Highness looks good."

Whether it is or not , Observe more, if it is really a person, then he...

In fact, he doesn't know what to do.

Lu Xiaogong felt as if he had knocked over a bottle of five flavors, with all kinds of feelings in his heart.

While I am happy that I have been with the same person for so many lifetimes, I am also troubled that I have met such a person.

After all, when you are with this person, you must always pay attention to your kidneys, otherwise you may suffer from kidney failure if you are not careful.

That too much demand is also a problem.

He no longer expects to be able to suffer, nor does he expect to run away. Who told him that he can't beat others, and he doesn't even have a chance to stand up.

The corners of Feng Yanming's mouth curled up, it was always comforting to be praised, although he also knew that he was good-looking, after all he was the most beautiful man in the capital.

"Since you're fine, let's get up, wash and eat. You've slept all day and all night, so you must be hungry, right?" After

he came in, Lu Xiaogong saw four or five servant girls behind him, one with a copper basin in his hand, and the rest They held trays in their hands, and the aroma of the food on the trays continued to waft to the tip of Lu Xiaogong's nose.

He took a deep breath, he didn't feel hungry when he just woke up, and now he realized that he was already hungry.

After silently washing and eating, Feng Yanming stayed aside and watched him eat.

Lu Xiaogong raised his head to look at him, "Won't your lord eat it?"

He shook his head, "I've used it before."


Lu Xiaogong lowered his head and continued to eat his own. Since he had eaten it, he didn't need it. Worry about it.

Seeing his appearance, Feng Yanming narrowed his eyes. He stood up from his seat and rubbed directly beside Lu Xiaogong. Lu Xiaogong looked at him because he didn't understand, "What is the lord going to do?

" It is very possible that after being the same person as those people in the previous lives, his attitude was much more casual, and he brought a sense of intimacy that he didn't even notice. Feng Yanming was keenly aware of this, raised his eyebrows, and his mood suddenly became clear. He directed to the waiter, "Biyu, go get me a pair of bowls and chopsticks." "Yes, my lord." One of the maids Blessed the body, backed out. "Hasn't the prince already eaten?" Lu Xiaogong asked. "Seeing how delicious your food is, I'm hungry again." Feng Yanming looked confident. Lu Xiaogong gave him a sideways glance while picking up the vegetables, and he knew it. "As long as the prince is happy." The other maids secretly watched the relationship between the two, and kept guessing in their hearts, who is this young lady? Why is the prince so kind to her? Is their palace going to welcome a mistress soon? Neither of the two noticed the strange look on the servant girl's face. After eating, when the servant girl took away the leftovers, Feng Yanming sat aside, crossed Erlang's legs, and kept shaking, "Should you give this king a meal?" One explained?" Lu Xiaogong looked at him like this, felt that it was very unpleasant, and gave him a hand, "Sit down." Not only was Feng Yanming not angry, but she put her legs down obediently.

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