Chapter 59

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Chapter 59

"Daddy, are you angry?" Lin Yijing walked slowly to Lu Xiaogong's feet, and hugged his calf with his arms.

Looking at the little bun who was only as tall as his thigh, Lu Xiaogong's expression softened. He bent down and hugged Lin Yijing on his lap, "Daddy isn't angry." "Lying, Daddy is just angry.

" Lin Yijing patted Lu Xiaogong's face with his small hand, it didn't hurt, but it was still a little itchy.

Lu Xiaogong grabbed his dishonest little hand and admitted honestly, "That's right, Daddy is angry." "Why, Daddy

?" Lin Yijing looked at Lu Xiaogong with a pair of round and transparent eyes, his eyes were full of doubts, " Is daddy angry with mother?"

Lu Xiaogong glanced at him, wondering in his heart how much he had listened to Shu Yufu's words, such a young child, I don't know if it would be because of Shu Yufu's What kind of bad thoughts do those words produce.

"Daddy is angry with your mother, because she was talking nonsense in front of Jing'er." Lu Xiaogong hugged Lin Yijing and made him face him. Their eyes were at the same level. Lu Xiaogong looked into Lin Yijing's eyes , with a serious expression, "Jing'er, listen, the relationship between me and your mother is a bit complicated, you won't be able to understand this until you grow up, but don't worry about Jing'er, no matter what, Dad won't let Jing'er go." Son." Lin Yijing still didn't know that he was not his father's biological son, and since Lu Xiaogong was closer to him than some fathers were to their own flesh and blood, no one who didn't have a good eye ran to talk to him. And Lu Xiaogong and Shu Yufu couldn't speak. "Then Daddy and Uncle are on good terms, won't you want Jing'er?" Lin Yijing's small face felt uneasy. He remembered what his mother had said to him just now. In fact, he was really afraid that Daddy would not want him. The best people for him. "That's right, even if daddy and uncle get married, daddy will always be Jing'er's daddy and won't want Jinger, so Jinger don't listen to your mother's nonsense, you understand?"

Lu Xiaogong looked at the expression on Lin Yijing's face, and let out a deep breath in his heart. He regretted sending Jing'er back to Lixiangyuan yesterday. If he had put it here, maybe such a thing would not have happened.

However, in this case, he wouldn't be able to discover that Shu Yufu would secretly instill that kind of thought into Xiao Baozi. Looking at it this way, he really doesn't know if it's a blessing or a curse.

"Jing'er knows." Lin Yijing looked obedient, and hugged Lu Xiaogong's neck tightly with both hands.

Lu Xiaogong didn't struggle, and let him hug him. Lin An didn't know when he had quietly retreated, leaving room for the father and son.

Lin An has been serving Master Shao all these years, and he has always known that Master Shao is actually a good-tempered master, but this time he got so angry, Madam is also very capable.

Lin An, who was following the owner of the Shaozhuang, naturally heard his wife's words clearly, and he also had some vague guesses about the relationship between the two.

This time, Lin An really felt that Madam was a bit too much, how could she say such things to the young master, and make the always good-tempered young master very angry.

To be honest, there is no one in the entire villa who does not envy the young master and his wife.

However, the lady was still not satisfied.

Lin An shook his head.

After such an incident happened, Lu Xiaogong decided to keep Jing'er by his side for a period of time, first to keep him away from Shu Yufu, so that Shu Yufu would not instill some messy things in him when he didn't know, and second He took this opportunity to give Shu Yufu a warning, what he said that day was not just words.

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